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......= small time skip >:)

{ This time, it's an unpleasant sight }

Your stomach churned, all you can feel is a jealous rage take over, making your head pound in sync with your heartbeat.
You grasp the plastic cup making your drink overflow, spilling a small amount.
You watch that Hitch girl throw herself at Eren from a distance.  I guess i won't be making a first good impression after all.
Hitch groped his arm and laughed obnoxiously, her laugh was loud and whiney almost sounding forced.
Reiner and Jean must be cracking some hilarious jokes huh. Why doesn't she try fuck them instead?
But Eren isn't pushing her away, i should've expected something like this from him.

You chug down what's left of your drink and Mikasa's  in one breath, you feel the burning sensation travel down your throat to your chest making you gag.
ugh gross.
you  clench your teeth, squinting from the awful  bitter aftertaste.
The alcohol quickly sets in making your face hot and body tingle;  you were tipsy on the brink of drunk ness. The adrenaline interrupts your train of thought, you can't even process where you're standing, nor hold back your impulses. Alcohol has always been a confidence booster, but the amount you consumed overpowered you. You're not used to drinking.

That's it i'm going over there, if he can get mad why can't i ? i'm sick of this shit. Even your thoughts sounded slurred.
Maybe i should have some more.
So i can forget all of this after i bash that bitch's face in and wipe that grin off her face.
You pick up the empty cup filling it halfway with some more alcohol. But your balance betrays you making you spill most of it out of the cup itself. Surprisingly everyone was too distracted to notice what a shit show you were this very moment.
This drink will be for Eren... i sure hope he  finds it refreshing. you mumble to yourself like a lunatic ; downing what's left of the rum bottle in your hand, a little less than half full.
Your head spins as you attempt to walk over to Eren and his friends ; barely even making it to three steps.They were still too far a distance to notice your wrath.
As you charge into their direction , you feel someone pull you back almost making you tumble over your own feet.

Let meee fucking go riight now

You tug at your arm in an attempt to escape their grasp, but they just pull you back closer.
You crash back onto them, feeling their arms wrap around your waist from behind.  They shift their grasp higher, in a position that keeps your arms down respectfully.

"You're not in the right head space, just talk to me it'll be okay.
You recognize Armin's sweet soothing voice.

it's not fair. Armin it's not fair.
Looking like a drunk mess, your eyes begin to water. But Armin turns you over to face away from Eren. He shifts your head over his shoulder while patting your head down delicately, his other hand caresses your back. You let out a silent cry shoving your face harder into Armin's shoulder.

" shh. don't cry please, it's not worth it i promise you. Eren just never thinks before he does you know, typical him.

Armin. you sniffle

"Yes Y/n?"

i think i'm going to puke.
Armin stepped aside holding back your hair, placing his other hand on your forehead for support. Aware of your incapability to stand straight.
You didn't have much to eat except breakfast, technically running on an empty stomach.
All you could taste was stomach acid mixed with the bitter taste of rum. your vision became blurrier by the second while your legs grew weaker, making you lose balance; falling back into Armins embrace.

" Y/ n  are you good? hello? please answer me.
Armins voice became scarcely audible, and so did most the noises in your surroundings with each passing second. Your eyes fully shut revealing endless darkness. Your body feels like it's floating  while your head spins, drifting into a deep sleep.

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