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Heyy guys, welcome to "Potter Girl"!!!!!!

Thank you so much for choosing my story for read, I promise you'll not regret lol

This is my first fanfic EVER that I am really taking seriously and the first that I am publishing, and because of that I am so scared and afraid it will go wrong or I will give up halfway, but at the same time I am soo proud of myself and really happy and excited.

I am obviously not a professional writer lol, BUT I will try my best to write in the best way. I'm a very slow person to write so I'll probably be able to post just one chapter a day

Besides all this, english is not my native language so I apologize if there are any grammar or spelling errors. And please correct me if something is wrong so I don't repeat the mistake. Also leave suggestions in the comments for the fanfic of things that you want to happen or some scene that you would like to appear, I promise that I will read all the comments and try to fit all the suggestions in some way. One more thing, feel free to ask me any questions and I will answer them all.

Thanks again

Luu x

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