Chapter 15

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Later that day, Carrie and I found a crowd of students in the entrance hall blocking our passage. They were around a large sign affixed to the bottom of the stairs. We make our way between them to read the notice


The Beauxbatons and Durmstrang delegations arrived at six o'clock on Friday, October 30. Classes will end an hour early. Students must keep backpacks and books in their dormitories and meet at the castle entrance to receive our guests before the welcome party

"I'ts in a week" Carrie say to me excited "I'm not so excited. And if Irene come?" I mutter

Carrie looked confused to me "Who's Irene?" she ask "It was a girl who was in my class, she didn't like me, she used to bullied me, but I never cared" I shrug

Carrie looked to me, she had pitty on her eyes "Don't ever look to me like that again" I say with a stern voice "Don't pitty me, I hate that" I completed

We laugh and walked toward our common room. We turned a corner and I ended up bumping into someone "Oh, sorry" I say lookin to the person I bumped in "Fred, George? What are you doing here?" I ask 

They smiled to me "We study here..." Fred say "...What you doing here?" George completed

I roll my eyes chuckling "We're going to ou common room, that's why I thought it was weird for you to be here, the entrance is right there" I pointed to the end of the corridor

They shrug "We were looking for you" George say "We need to talk to you" Fred completed

I look to Carrie and she nod "I'll see you in our dorm" she say and I nod

"So, Sienna, we thought about something" Fred say putting his arm around my shoulders "Fred and I are going to give a little party in Gryffindor common room now" George smirk "And as you are Harry's sister and Ron and Hermione friend..." Fred start walking and I followed him "We thought that maybe you would like to come" George ended 

A smile formed in my lips "Really? I mean, a party? They allow this things here? A party for what exactly?" I can help ask

Fred smiled "Yes. A party. They don't allow, but that doesn't means we can't make one. Nothing especial, just for fun" he answer my questions "Are you going?" George ask "Yes, sure" I say 

Fred take off his arm around my shoulders and take my hand "Great, lets go" he say and drag me away from my common room

I have almost to run, his legs are much longer than mine "Wait. Now?" I ask. George take my other hand and run with us "Yes, the party already started, c'mon" he say and we run towards the Gryffindor common room

We reached the moving stairs in the tower next to the Great Hall, I was out of breath for have to run for all the castle. The entrace of the Gryffindor common room was a frame, the Fat Lady painting. The twins hide me behind them and said the password

"Am I allowed to enter in others Houses common rooms?" I ask laughing "No" they say at the same time and I laugh more 

 When I enter in the common room, loud music erupted from it. The Gryffindor common room was smaller than Slytherin's, it have a fireplace, one couch and some armchairs, all in diferent red shades. It have a Gryffindor banner and others red ones, also have some bookshelves ans two desks in the corners of the room. It was two smal staircases that probably leads to the dorms.

There was a lot of people dancing and talking with the music. "Where you two were?" I heard Ron's voice "We've got you and your friends a present" Fred said and the twins steped aside showing me

When Ron saw me he furrow his eyebrows in confusion "Hey" I say smiling "What are you doing here? What they told you?" he ask laughing "That they were giving a party, so here I am" I say laughing as well

He smiled "Nice, try to convince Hermione to come here and enjoy the party. She's in her dorm" he pointed to one of the staircases and I nod 

I went up the stairs and looked for the door with Hermione's name. When I found I knock it "Come in" I heard Hermione say from inside and I enter the dorm

It was pretty similar to mine, only with the red colors instead green, it have three beds and one desk, which Hermione was seated reading a book

I smile and shock my head "What are you doing here? The party is pretty cool down there" I say and she turn her head to me "What are you doing here? This is the Gryffindor tower. And if someone caugh you?" she asks worried 

I chuckle "Don't worry, they won't. Fred and George brought me here. Let's go down to the party" I say and she shock her head "No, I have to finish my homework. And I don't like parties so much" she say

I walk toward her and grab her hand "Let's go, Hermione. You have to enjoy the life a little, drop the books, put a nice dress and let's go dance" I say dragging her far from the table

She smile "Fine, I'll go with you" she say and I smile wide "Great. What you have to wear?" I say and she walk towards her trunk

She open it and look for clothes "I have this skirt, maybe you'll like to wear" she say throwing to me a green plaid skirt "I love it. I'm using a black crop top under my shirt that will match" she nod and takes a grey plaid dress and a white T-shirt "I thinks it will fit" she say 

I go inside her bathroom and change my clothes. Just the skirt and the crop top looks to simple, so a I put on the white uniform shirt and double the sleeves above my elbows. The shirt is buttoned, but I leave it open and tie the ends together in a knot. The shirt was half open, showing my black crop top. Looks good

I leave the bathroom and show my outfit to Hermione "You look beautiful" she say smiling "Thanks" I say 

She enter the bathroom and come out with a tight gray plaid dress that goes up to mid-thigh over a plain white T-shirt

She go in front of a mirror and look to her reflection "I don't know if it looks good. You think it's too short?" she say worried, I sand behind her and put my hands in her shoulders "You look absolutely beautiful, don't worry" I say and she smile wide 

A/N: I just LOVE the twins omg. I loved this little moment of Sienna and Hermione too

Guys, sorry for not posting anything yesterday. I went to another city, I took my computer with me, but I forgot the charger and its battery ran out lol. So I write a little longer chapter today, hope you enjoyed 

See you tomorrow

Luu x

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