Chapter 12

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I was sitting in Professor Snape's office in the dungeons, it was cold. The room wasn't big, it have a desk and behind it have a wall covered with potion shelves and Snape's personal stockpile of ingredients

He was pacing the room with his hand on his forehead and a disbelieving face "Miss Potter, I..." he started, but I think he was not finding the rights words to express his rage "Why did you attacked Mr. Malfoy?" he asked with his cold voice 

I tilted my head up "Attacked Malfoy? He attacked me, Professor" I say angry "Don't use that tone of voice with me, Potter" he stare at me 

I sigh "He cursed my family and humiliated me in front of almost whole school" I say trying not to yell "This does not justify attacking a student in the middle of the Great Hall" he says expressionless 

I sigh again to calm me down "I already said, I didn't attacked him, I just pointed my wand at him, he started throwing spells at me, I just..."

"Detention, Miss Potter" he say getting up 

"What? And Malfoy? You'll give him a detention as well, aren't you, Professor?" I say jumping from my seat

"I owe you no satisfactions" he say in a cold tone. Snape looks deep in my eyes "Saturday, ten o'clock in my office. You can go now" he say an I huffed and stormed out of his office slamming the door behind me

I run towards my common room, the rage still running in my blood. I feel like I could kill the first person that passes in front of me 

I muttered the password and enter the common room, Carrie was waiting for me sitting on the couch of the empty common room, she got on her feet when I entered

She look me with worry and fear "Are you ok?" she ask I shook my head and sit on the chouch, she seats besides me and put a arm around my shoulder

I burst into tears, my head lied on her chest, I sob and she hugs me "Everything will be fine" she whispered to me and kiss the top of my head

I was crying with anger because of Malfoy, crying with sadness because of my parents and crying with indignation because I would have to make an detention and Malfoy probably wouldn't have. Anger still pulsed in my veins, it was so much in my head, I never felt so angry compared to what I felt for Malfoy. I don't usually cry, but I had to put everything out and it was great to be in Carrie's arms

It felt like I was crying for an eternity. I sob one last time and take my head off of Carrie's chest, I wiped my tears away and give her a sad smile "Thanks, Carrie" I say hugging her tight "No problem. It's gonna be ok, you're gonna be ok" she whisper and I nod 

In the next day I was having breakfast in the Slytherin table and I noticed that Pansy didn't stop staring at me "Hey, Pansy. Are you ok? Why are you staring ate me?" I try to sound sweet

She roll her eyes "Dray didn't derseved that" she say shooking her head "Sorry?" I ask confused "Draco. He didn't left the hospital wing yet, he is not well. I thought you overreacted yesterday" she say

I furrow my eyebrows and wide my eyes and disbelieve "Overreacted?" I say "You heard what he said to me, Pansy. It's true that I shouldn't have pointed my wand at him, but I was trying to protect myself. And he was who started throwing spells" I explaned for the second time trying not to yell 

She scoffed and roll her eyes "Whatever" she say. I shook my head and got up from my seat "You know what?" Pansy say "Draco was right, you are always running away" she snapped

I leaned over the table "I'm not running away, Parkinson. I'm just not causing any clutter, because if I want to, I can do the same thing to you as I did to Malfoy, or worse" I snapped and walk toward to the Griffindor table. I'm done of being bother

I sit besides Harry "Morning" I say grumpy "Sienna, what you had done to Malfoy yesterday was brilliant" Ron says smiling wide, I smirk

Hermione frowned at him "You've got a detention or something?" Hermione asks "Yes, my Saturday morning is reserved for Snape" I rolled my eyes "How lucky" Harry says sarcastic and we laugh

I sigh "Well, I know I shoudn't think about it, but Parkinson said that Malfoy didn't left the hospital wing yet. You guys think that it was to much?" I ask "Malfoy is soo dramatic, I'm sure he is just pretending not to be well" Harry say 

Ron nod "Yeah, you don't have to worry about him, he is a git" he chuckle "Yeah, I think so" I say

I truly didn't want to think, but I was kinda worried, I still want to kill that prat, but I'm afraid that I exagerated, I didn't meant to hurt that bad

A/N: give a vote and leave you suggestions in the comments :)

See you tomorrow 

Luu x

Potter girlजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें