Chapter 23

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Dumbledore stands up from the staff table and everyone get silent "Good night, ladies and gentlemen, ghosts and especially guests" he says smiling at the foreign students "I am pleased to welcome everyone. I hope and trust that your stay here will be comfortable and pleasant. The tournament will officially open at the end of the feast. Now I invite everyone to eat, drink and do it at home" he finish still smiling and sit back on his chair

The platters in front of us were filled with food, foreign food. Some of them I already knew, because they are french and I studied in Beauxbatons. "Oh, I like these" I smile serving me of some bouillabaisse "What is this?" Fred asks frowning his eyebrows

I chuckle "It's a kind of seafood stew, they usually serve this at Beauxbatons. It's so good, you have to prove" I say and the twins get some of the bouillabaisse for them

"So" George says "Would you like to tell us what happened earlier?" Fred says. I frown my eyebrows confused "About Malfoy" George explains

"Oh" I just say. I sigh, neither I know exactly what happened, it is still a confuse fact in my head. "Well, I just hugged him to make Harry jealous. I mean, he doesn't like Malfoy, and I was so angry with him at the moment. I knew he was following me, so I thought: Why not?" I explain and shrug

The twins nod at the same time. I would say just that to them, I wouldn't say what I was thinking about the strange attitude he took when he hugged me and cared for me. I really like them, but I don't know them so well and I don't want to say what I'm feeling and thinking for every person that asks how am I

I heard George scoffs "Well, I think he liked the hug" he says and I scoff "Why would you say that?" I ask chuckling

Fred points toward the Slyterin table. I turn around and see Malfoy staring at us, his elbow rest in the table and his cheek rest in his left hand. His pale face is a little red and he looks angry, but a little sad. When his glare meets mine I give him a small smile, but he just turns his face to the side and start a conversation with Blaise. All the angry and the redness I saw just seconds before were gone. He is good hidding his feeling. And that is the point. What are his feelings towards me? He is so confusing. I hate don't know what is going on

After desert, all the golden plates were cleaned. Dumbledore stand up from his seat again. Every single head was turned to the headmaster. The Great Hall fell into an anxious and tense silence. Besides me, Fred and George leaned over the table to see Dumbledore and pay atention 

"The time has come" Dumbledore says, smiling for all the faces looking at him "The Triwizard Tournament will begin. But first of all, I would like to say a few words of explanation just to clarify the rules that will come into force this year. First of all, I would like to introduce, for those who do not know him yet, Mr. Bartolomeu Crouch, Head of the Department of International Cooperation in Magic "there were vague and polite applause

"And, Mr. Ludo Bagman, Head of the Department of Magical Sports and Games" there was a louder round of applause for Bagman than for Crouch

Dumbledore explained that Bagman and Crouch would, along with Dumbledore himself, Karkaroff and Madame Maxime, be the judges of the tournament. And he sent Filch to bring something that I didn't quite understand

Filch, who was walking around the room, approached Dumbledore, carrying a wooden chest inlaid with precious stones. It had an extremely old appearance, a murmur of interest came from the tables in the hall

"The instructions for the tasks that the champions must face this year have already been examined by Messrs. Crouch and Bagman" Dumbledore saiy while Filch put the wooden chest in a table in front of the headmaster

"There will be three tasks, which will be distributed throughout the school year, which will serve to test the champions in different ways ... their skill in magic, their courage, their power of deduction and, of course, their ability to face danger" Dumbledore says "The prize: the eternal glory and a thousand galleons"

I could see the twins face, they were smiling wide "Wicked" they say at the same time "You two want to participate?" I ask them and they look to me "Of course" George say smiling "Think about what we can do with a tousand galleons" Fred say excited, smiling as well. I smile to them

Dumbledore said something about the champions, one of wich school or something. I wasn't paying so much atention. My atention was in the Slytherin table, Malfoy was staring at me again. I look at him and give him a look like 'what do you want?', he just ignore me and turn his head to Dumbledore again

The headmaster took his wand and tapped the lid of the box three times. The lid slowly opened with a creak. Dumbledore reached into it and took out a large goblet made of rough wood. It would have been considered quite common if it had not filled to the brim with blue-white flames, which gave the impression of dancing 

Dumbledore close the chest and put the goblet on top of it, where every student can see "Who want to apply as a champion must write your name and school clearly in a piece of parchment and put it on the goblet" Dumbledore say "The candidates will have 24 hours to display their names. Tomorrow night, Halloween, the goblet will return the names of the three he considered most worthy to represent his schools. The chalice will be placed in the entrance hall, where it will be accessible to all"

"To ensure that no underage students give in to temptation, I will draw an age line around the Goblet of Fire after it is placed in the lobby. No one under the age of seven will be able to cross the line" Dumbledore say and a lot of stutents start to protest and complain

"Rubish" Fred and George yell at the same time and I hold a laugh. Dumbledore look at the twins and when he sees me in between them he furrow his eyebrows. I smile inocent and beat my lashes fastly. Apparently he don't care about me being in the Gryffindor table and continue his speech

"Finally" Dumbledore says loud enough to make the people talking be quiet "I would like to instill in those who wish to compete that no one should enter this tournament lightly. Once chosen by the Goblet of Fire, the champion will be required to continue until the end of the tournament. Now I think it's time for us to go to bed. Good night everyone" Dumbledore finish smiling at us

I could see the disapointment in the twins face "It's ok, you guys will have your glory in another time" I say comforting them, putting my hands on thei soulders

They smile at me and nod. "Thanks for the companie, but I think I'll goiing now" I say gettin up from the table and the nod again. When I walk away I se they talking energeticaly, probably making a plan to participate, I chuckle

When I turn my head to the Slytherin table to look for Carrie, I see Malfoy staring at me again expressionless. It's getting scary. I just roll my eyes and walk towards Carrie that was still talking to Yesak.


A/N: Guys, I have some IMPORTANT warning to make. I didn't publish nothing yesterday because I was writing this chapter, that if you notice is much longer than I'm used to make. I'll will start to write longer chapters like these so that the complete fanfic will not have so much chapters (I'm thinking to write about 100 or 120 chapters at most). But, I have a lot of things to do in my life and I'm having a lot of tests this month, so I'll take 2 days to write the chapters. I'll publish a new chapter every two days, but it will have around 2000 words. That's it, I hope you understand me :)

See you tomorrow

Luu x

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