Chapter 11

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Moody swept the dead spider off the desk onto the floor. 

"Not nice," he said calmly. "Not pleasant. And there's no countercurse. There's no blocking it. Only one known person has  ever survived it, and he's sitting right in front of me." Moody walked toward Harry's table and stood in front of it

Harry's face turned red, all of the students in the class were looking at him

"Avada Kedavra's a curse that needs a powerful bit of magic behind it — you could all get your wands out now and point them at me and say the words, and I doubt I'd get so much as a nosebleed. But that doesn't matter. I'm not here to teach you how to do it"

"Now, if there's no countercurse, why am I showing you? Because you've got to know. You've got to appreciate what the worst is. You don't want to find yourself in a situation where you're facingit. CONSTANT VIGILANCE!" he roared, and the whole classjumped again. 

"Now . . . those three curses — Avada Kedavra, Imperius, and Cruciatus — are known as the Unforgivable Curses. The use of anyone of them on a fellow human being is enough to earn a lifesentence in Azkaban. That's what you're up against. That's what I've got to teach you to fight. You need preparing. You need arming. But most of all, you need to practice constant, never-ceasing vigilance. Get out your quills . . . copy this down. . . ."

We spent the rest of the lesson taking notes on each of the Unforgivable Curses. No one spoke until the bell rang, but when Moody had dismissed us and we had left the classroom, a torrent of talk burst forth. Most people were discussing the curses in awed voices — "Did you see it twitch?" "— and when he killed it — just like that!"

Out of nowhere, Carrie grabs me by my arm and drags me out of the crowd "What happend to you on tuesday when I went to ur dorm to get the hair stuff?" she asks 

"Nothing, I just remenber that I had some things to do" I say looking down at my shoes, I didn't want to talk to Carrie about Malfoy, it was embarrasing for me

She roll her eyes "Sienna, please don't lie to me. You have avoided me since that day" she says, I grab her arm and drag her inside a empty classroom

I sigh "Well, I didn't want to talk to you about this because is a little embarrassing" I say and she puts a hand in my shoulder "It's ok, I will not make fun of you" she open a small smile

I sigh and tell her the story in the common room and in the end she was with wide eyes "I know Malfoy was agressive, but he never treated a girl like this" she says in a low tone "Everything has it's first time" I scoffed

In this same day at dinner Malfoy decided to bother me "Hey, Potter. Potter girl" he call me and I ignored "I am talking to you" he snapped his fingers in my face and I face him "What do you want?" I say angry 

He scoffed "How much negative energy in such an insignificant being" he laughed and I just roll my eyes, I don't want to fight right now

But seems like he wants. "I saw your face when Professor Moody killed the spider with the killing curse, was the same way your dear parentd died, wasn't it?" he says with a smirk

I was breathing heavily, controling myself to not lose my mind "Shut up, Malfoy. You don't know a thing about me and don't say a word against my family" I hissed

He laugh loudly and many heads turned to us "What family? You mean your dead parents, your outlaw godfather and your cocky brother" he laugh again "What an extraordinary family"

I jumped up from the table, making almost everyone look in my direction. I walk toward the Gryffindor table and heard Malfoy yelling "Go on, run to your brother's arms. You are a coward, Potter, always running away" when he say that I froze, I feel every pair of eyes glued on me, waiting for my next move

One thing I'm sure, I'm not a coward, and I'm dying to prove it to Malfoy. I turn around pulling out my wand and pointing it to Malfoy. I heard a lot of gasps 

I gestured with my wand for him to get up, I heard Harry getting up from his sit and I raised my hand for him to remain seated

My face was burning, my eyes overflow with rage, a rage I never felt for anyone before, almost came to hatred, but my eyes were dry, I will not shed a tear. I'm not weak or coward and I'll not let a stupid prat as Malfoy curse my family

He got on his feet and walk toward me with a smirk on his face, if he thinks he is a good wizard, I bet I'm a better witch. He pointed his wand to me and I heard more gasps 

"Stupefy!" Malfoy shouted 

"Protego!" I block his spell

"Petrificus Totalus!" he shouted again and I block his spell one more time 

He shouted a few more spells and I blocked all of them, he started getting desperate. I smirked "I think is my turn" I say

"Leviocorpus!" I shouted and Malfoy levitaded upside down "Liberacorpus" I muttered and he fell on the ground. Malfoy quickly got on his feet again and pointed his wand to me 

"Oh, no. I didn't finish yet" I say smirking. Everyone was watching our little duel in the Great Hall and I can't deny that I was having fun

"Locomotor Mortis" I say and he fell on the ground with his legs glued

"Impedimenta!" I say and he was thrown back and groaned in pain

"Sienna!" I heard Harry call me 

"Shut up, Harry" I snapped 

"Everte Statum!" Malfoy spun in the air and crashed to the floor, groaning in pain 

"Stupefy!" I yelled and one more time, Malfoy was thrown back and passed out

My smirk was big and I lowered my wand, everyone was with wide eyes and Carrie was covering her mouth with her hand. Then I look at Malfoy, he was sprawled on the floor, his hair all tousled and a trickle of blood coming out of his mouth and I realized what I had just done and stop smiling

I'm fucked up

A/N: I just loved write this chapter, omg

Guys, thank you SO much for 100 views, you have no idea how important this means to me, I love you all with all my heart

See you tomorrow

Luu x

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