Chapter 7

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After I removed the bandages from my wrists, they were completely healed, it didn't even look like Malfoy crushed them. Harry, Ron and Hermione accompanied me to the Potions class, because they also took classes with me.

I was really excited for this specific class, because I'm really good at Potions, so I think I'll will enjoy this next class

I was wrong

We reached the classroom and I see Carrie sitting saving me a place with my bag. "Thanks again" I smile to Harry and his friends "That's what friends are for" Hermione smiled and Ron furrow his eyebrows, so she hit his arm, I smile again and walk toward Carrie

"Hey Birdwhistle" I say trying to imitate Malfoy's voice, Carrie turn around and chuckle

"Thanks for saving me a place" I say and she grab my wrists "It's ok. Be careful with Malfoy, he is aggressive and spoiled. I wouldn't tease him if I were you" she warned me and I nod

The classroom door open with a loud bang and I turn around startle, a tall man with dark greasy hair enter. "Severus Snape, don't dare talk in his class, he's the Head of our house" Carrie whisper in my ear.

Professor Snape stood in front of the class "This year we have a new student in our class" he says looking at me, his cold voice giving me shivers. He walked toward me and stood in front of my and Carrie table "Miss Potter" he hissed "I hope you will not be as depressing as your brother in my class" he say

I open my mouth to reply, but Carrie squeezed my arm to keep me quiet. "Sure, professor" I muttered. He look in my eyes and go back to the front of the classroom

With a wave of the wand, ingredients of some potion appeared on the blackboard "Today you are going to make a antidote for common poisons, the ingredients are in the board and the preparation method is in the page 16 of your book, you have until the end of the class to give me the potion ready" he sit in his desks and gestured for us to start

I smirk, I know perfectly how to make this potion. I walk to the ingredients cabinet and find Harry "Are you that terrible in Potions?" I ask him laughing and he roll his eyes "Why you look so confident?" he ask and I roll my eyes "Because I am wonderful in Potions" I say smirking

I get everything that I need and go back to my table with Carrie. I open my book, take my cauldron and start making the potion.

I add the water and mistletoe berries, boiling for 5 minutes. After that I squeeze the berries on the sides of the cauldron. I continued to do everything the book asked for, until the liquid boiled and reached a purple color. I smiled, that was exactly how it had to be

I saw professor Snape standing in front of Harry's table "I don't think the potion was supposed to have that vomit color, Mr Potter" he said with his cold voice "Evanesco" Snape muttered and the potion in Harry's cauldron disappear

Professor Snape walks toward my table and take a look in my potion, for a second I think I saw surprise in his face ", Miss Potter" he says slowly and I furrow my eyebrows. Very good? Very good? My potion was excellent! 

I was going to complain but Carrie hold my arm once again, she look at me with wide eyes "Snape never said 'very good' for a potion in his class before, consider yourself the best potion maker for that" she whisper

I transferred my potion to a flask and put a tag with my name on it and delivered it to the professor's desk before leaving the room.

Snape told us to write 30 centimeters about bezoar as homework for the next class, "You had to see Malfoy's face when Snape praised your potion" Carrie laugh after we left the classroom

A/N: Hey guys, I'm so sorry about the short chapter, tomorrow I'll reward you

See you tomorow <3

Luu x

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