Chapter 19

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In the morning of October 30 I was sitting in the Slytherin table with Carrie during the breakfast. The Great Hall was decorated differently, large silk flags hung on the walls, each representing a Hogwarts house: red with a golden lion for Gryffindor, blue with a bronze eagle for Ravenclaw, yellow with a black badger for Hufflepuff and green with a silver snake for Slytherin

All the castle was undergoing rigorous cleaning, I didn't understand why, untill I remembered that the institutes of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang would arive tonight

I heard the sound of wings coming from above announcing the arrival of the owls with the mail. My owl, a dark owl called Willow, she landed on the table in front of me with a letter tied to her leg. I furrowed my eyebrows, who could have sent me a letter?

I raised my eyebrows and smiled when I remembered that I had written to Sirius a while ago and that was probably his answer. I untied the letter from Willow's leg and opened it

Dear Sienna,

I'm so happy that you had written to me, I can't wait to meet you some day. Harry have told me about you in some of his letters. Don't worry, he only said good things.

People wouldn't think I'm a irresponsible godfather if they read this, but I'm so proud that you kick that Malfoy boy ass!! Your father would be proud too, your mother probably would say that jinxed him was not the right thing to do, but would have liked to know that you know how to defend yourself (I think that jinxed him was a great idea)

Anyways, enjoy your time in Hogwarts. Take care of yourself and Harry, because he is so stubborn to take care of himself, I'm counting with you


After I read that letter my smile was so big that my cheeks were burning. I realy loved to know that Sirius was proud of me for jinxing Malfoy, he probably will be a great godfather. "I'll be right back" I say to Carrie 

I get up from my table and rush toward the Gryffindor table and sit beside Harry "Look, Sirius answerd me" I say smiling wide and rubbing my letter in his face. Harry look to me with furrowed eyebrows "You wrote to him?" he asked confused "Yes, I did. In the same day you told me about him" I say still smiling

Harry took my letter from my hands and read it. When he finished reading he was chuckling "Sirius is so funny. It was obvious that he would be proud of you for jinxed Malfoy" he say and I shrug

Harry's face turn sirious and he gave my letter back "He wrote me as well" he said handing me a letter

You didn't convinced me, Harry

I'm back in the country and hiding. I want you to keep me informed of everything that is going on at Hogwarts. Don't use Hedwig, change owls and don't worry about me, take care of yourself and your sister. Don't forget what I said about the scar


I was no longer smiling, if Sirius is found he will be throw for the dementors in Azkaban. What Sirius said about Harry's scar?

"Harry" I call him still facing the letter "Why didn't you tell me your scar was hurting?" I ask to him raising my head and looking into his emerald eyes, he looked to me with an apologetic look

"You didn't tell her, Harry?" I heard Hermione ask and we turn our heads to her "We told you to tell her" she scolded my brother

I scoff "So you tell them your scar was hurting and didn't tell me?" I say sarcatic, Harry look at me "They are my best friends" he say angry "And I'm your sister" I say angrier "Or you forgot it? Of course you did, you are too busy hanging out with your friends to talk to your sister" I snapped an throw his letter in the table. I take my letter and get up

Harry scoff "Is this jelous?" he ask and I face him with tears in my eyes that I will not let fall "No. This is missing" I say sadly and walk outside of the Great Hall, but I know that the trio is following me

already on the corridor, I see Malfoy coming with a smirk in his pathetic face, I don't have energy to argue with him. "Excuse me" I say with a shaky voice, he look at my face and furrow his eyebrows and grab my wrist "Are you ok?" he ask with a sweet voice, the same voice I heard from him in the Hogwarts Express. I'm not going to decieve me 

I sigh to control myself "I don't have time to argue with you, Malfoy" I say looking into his grey eyes, he shook his head "I'm not going to argue with you. Are you all right? You don't look good" he say, he looks... concerned

I let go of his grip "And why do you care?" I ask with my chin raised "I- I" he stutter. I look to the hall we were without moving my head and see that Harry, Ron and Hermione are staring at me. I'm angry at Harry and I'm sure that he wouldn't like to see me with Malfoy

I have to hold on to not smirk and I start acting. I look to my feet and sniff "I'm- I'm not feeling well" I fakely stutter and I feel Malfoy's hand in my shoulder "That's ok. What happened?" he asks

I raise my head and look into Malfoy's eyes and feel the tears in my eyes again. Merlin I'm a good lier. I throw myself in his arms and wrap my arms around his torso and lay my head on his chest. He does nothing, but after a few seconds he wraps around my waist with his left hand and with his right caresses my back. He has a strong cologne smell, but it's not bad. The feeling of embracing him is even good. No, I have to concentrate, I don't like him, I'm just doing this to make Harry jealous

I look to the trio and see that they are with widen eyes, Harry take a step forward, but Hermione holds him. Now that they saw us, is time for the second part of mine little plan

I pull away from our hug and shook my head slightly "Sorry" I mutter "I didn't ment to-" I continue, but Malfoy interupted me rainsing my chin "That's fine" he open a little smile. I take a step back and shook my head again "No, that's not. We are always arguing and we are definitively not friends. I just can't hug you out of nowhere" I say

He blink a few times "Yeah. What do you have on your mind, Potter?" he say with the tone of voice he always used with me "Sorry, I have to go" I say and pass by him "Wait" he say and grab my wrist, but his touch is gentile, not agressive

I look to his hand im my wrist and then look to his face "I didn't ment to-" he struggle "You don't have to go" he say softly "Sorry" I say softly and leg go of his grip. I look quietly to the trio and see that they are with their jaws dropped

I look to Malfoy again "I have to go" I say "Forget what happened. It won't happen again" I turn aroud and walk away from him "Potter" he call me but I don't stop "Potter" he yell and I turn around, he rush towards me and grab my wist, his touch is agressive again "Don't tell anyone about this" he hiss

I let go of his grip and walk away without look back

A/N: I liked this chapter. Draco's feelings are coming out

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Luu x

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