1: Origin

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My name is Connor

I was born a healthy boy up till I was about 2 when I had leukemia and had to go through what I think was 3 years of treatment. Once it was over I was cured for the time being but completely making m have to go back. It started as about several days a weak leading mum and dad take me everyday and didn't get a lot of sleep. As time went by I got better and better until I eventually got to the point where I visit once a year. But there was still some close calls like during one of the appointments leading me to have a hole in my lung leading me to be inches from death

They manage to prevent it again but yet again I have scars from the tubes and stuff they use on me. Anyway, after my leukemia I had to relearn things like how to walk, eat, use the toilet, first word and other things 6 or 7 year old kids should be able to do. Eventually I was able to go to school and I also had to lower grade and year level because of my lack of learning and because I was troubled.

Then one day

???: hey fatty!

I turn to see a boy who didn't like me

???: I'm hungry, give me your food!

I hold my lunch box to my chest

Connor: No! my mummy made it for me!

???: Oh please, you probably have enough for the whole school!

He then went to take it from me but I didn't let go

???: Let go tubby!

Connor: No!

He then facepalmed me and since I only just learned to walk and stand by myself I wasn't too strong in the legs and fell from the force and dropped the food making it spill all over the floor.

???: Ah! Look at what you did! Now I wont get food!

He then kick me in the face making my nose bleed as I landed my head on the dirty floor/concrete. I cry from pain and sadness from the spilled food my mum made for me. He laughed as he kept kicking me. As time went by more and more things happened, bullying, rubbing, used for sex and possible raped but I don't know for sure, depression and being suicidal but I keep it from my family or friends.

I trust them I just didn't want to involve them in something they cant fix or isn't their concern...besides they already did too much for me...they did more things that I don't deserve. So for that I do what I can for them get money for what they spent, do different things for them, give away my happiness for them, keep my pain and misery from them so I get to see them happy and other kinds of things that I want to do to prove I care for them more then myself.

Anyway, one day after school, my mum drive me and my little brother home when suddenly someone got in the way and made us crash. I made sure my brother didn't get hurt by shielding him from the crash and once it was over, I hear footsteps echo as a man who was driving the other car walked to my window and dragged me out right when everything went black.

When he took me, he brought me to a lab where they did tests on me...bad painful tests. Through the test I found out something interesting. Turns out they were kidnapping kids to train to prepare them to go into game world that pays them with each win and also to protect the world from the creatures on the one they wanted to prepare us for. Anyway, as the days went by the tests got worse

???: Line up!

Me along with other kids line up in front of a large man. I glance at the other kids to see numbers on their necks. I look back at the man.

???: Ok you little shit's! it's time for your training!

We look down. Suddenly a boy stepped forward

From weak fat boy to strong badassWhere stories live. Discover now