5: The change of heart

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Summer and Ruby ran to me

Summer: Connor! My baby!

Ruby: big brother!

They got me off the noose as Yang and tom stood there shocked at the scene. Summer and Ruby place me down and Ruby did CPR on me while Summer Called the ambulance. As the ambulance arrived, Ruby kept doing CPR until they showed up. Once they finally showed, they take me to the hospital.


As the family wait for the nurse to tell them what my condicion is, Tom, Qrow and Raven were pissed off, while summer, yang and ruby were holding each other in tears.

Suddenly the door opened as a beautiful red haired woman exit the room

Summer: Is he ok?!

Summer yelled, hoping she says yes.

Nurse: he'll be ok...thanks to whoever gave him CPR and getting him here in time.''

Summer, yang and ruby were happy while Tom, Qrow and Raven just looked in annoyance. The nurse then walked by to another patients room.

Summer: My baby's ok...I'm so glade.

The door then opened again and I walk out with a pissed off face.

Connor: Why...why the hell did you save me?

Summer: W-What the do you mean? your my son.

I growl in anger

Connor: Cut the bullshit! you and your family have abused, raped and all kinds of shit no parent or family member should do!

Tom growled in anger as he ran to me

Tom: You little shit!

he threw a punch but I moved away before it hit me and the fist missed me.

Tom: What the...

He did it again and I do the same until eventually he got tired and barely put much effort into to it making me able to grab his fist. I then clench my fist before punching him in the face and he fell back.

Connor: Go fuck yourself...you and her and everyone else in this family can go to hell.

I turn away and go home since I don't have anywhere to go, but as soon as I can, I'm leaving this shitty excuse of a family.

Next day

I walk towards my classroom when suddenly, I notice Ivy being surrounded by guys that didn't seem friendly. I sigh before walking to them

Connor: hey assholes...can I help you?

They turn to me

???: what do you want?

Connor: Well, I think you should fuck off.

They turn to me fully with pissed off faces.

???: What did you say shit head?!

Connor: You heard me shit breath.

He growled before throwing a punch...shit.


As I sit in class and get through the day, the teacher said we were doing a group projects. As he grouped us up, I hoped it was a friend but you know who I got?

Teacher: And finally, Connor and Ivy.


Later: after school

I get to Ivy's house, so we can start to project. I arrive at her house and lightly knock on the door. The door opened and Ivy came into view. She was wearing a cute pink sweater which was big enough to look like she wasn't wearing anything underneath but I didn't focus on that.

From weak fat boy to strong badassWhere stories live. Discover now