Chapter 12: Part 2

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Liyah's P.O.V:

It's been weeks since Harry talked to me. In fact he hasn't followed or bothered me at all within these two weeks. I was actually happy that he left me alone for once, that's what I was trying to do all along. But the odd thing was whenever I see him walking down the hall at school, he doesn't make a single eye contact with me. Like what the fuck? He missed three days of school too this week. Why am I concerned though? Because you miss him messing with you. No I don't I don't need that British boy following me around at all. I need to stop tripping.

Our school annual Winter dance was coming up and everybody was too happy about it. I never understood why people be getting so happy over the winter dance. Like what's so fun about dances anyways. It's a bunch of ratchet people in one room grinding and all over each other smelling like wet pussy, must and twenty pounds of bounce that ass. The school administrator insisted I should help out and prepare the dance. I of course denied it but I had no choice really. The administrator said I had way too many detentions that I didn't show up to, so volunteering to help out with the dance is the only way I could make up for it.

The worst part was Gina thot self and Travis bitch ass was helping out too. So guess who gets to see them messing around with each other almost everyday after school? I just hope God gives me enough strength and patience not to slap somebody.

I started off blowing the balloons. The dance was held in the gymnasium. What a cheap ass place to hold a dance. This is also one of the reasons why I don't go to any of the dances here. I'm not even surprised that its not held somewhere fancy because our school budget is so low they don't even have the money to repair the broken windows and vandalized walls. "Make sure you only blow the blue and white ones" Gina came up to me with a clipboard and pen in her hand. My hands balled into a fist and gave her a serious face.

"dont be concerned about what I do, I think its time for you to suck your boyfriend dick" I smiled at her. She rolled her eyes and walked away. I was so close to pimp slapping her.

After two hours of blowing over 100 balloons, I was tired and breathless. It was almost close to 7:00. I needed to go back home before dinner. I grabbed my bag and car keys that I sat on the floor with the rest of the items. Everyone else that was helping out was preparing to leave also. Except for Gina and Travis, they were basically sitting on the floor making out and swallowing each other. They really need to get a fucking room. Nobody wanna see them making out, they might as well fuck each other while they're at it.

I walked my way to my car in the parking lot. The sound of yelling caused me to stop. It came from the other side of the school building, near the football field. It sounded like two people arguing, I wasn't sure the voices were way too far away to understand anything. I slowly walked over to the direction. There were two people standing there. Both were dressed down in black clothes. One had a hoodie over their head, which made it hard to recognize the face. The other had dark brown curls and his or hers first two buttons on the shirt was undone. Wait a minute. I tip toed closer. I squinted and then I saw who that person with the brown curls was. Harry.

What the fuck was he doing here though? Who was he talking to? So many questions piled up in my head. Their voices started to get even louder.

"you stay the fuck away from her"

"you was warned Harry, not only by me but your mum"

His mom?

"I know that, I did what I was told, why the fuck you coming here with this bullshit"

I was surprised at Harry's tone. I never heard him this angry. He had his hand balled into a fist to his side. At any minute he would probably punch the person he was talking to.

"this isn't only about that idiotic American girl, remember the deal we had but you backstabbed me, I dont forget Harold"

American girl? I hope that person isn't talking about me because if he is, he got me fucked up for calling me idiotic. I may be slow at some time but I'm not idiotic.

"you expect me to do that horrible deal, I was dragged in to, you came to the wrong person, Zayn fucked your whole plan up not me, the reason why you got locked up was because of Zayn"

"Zayn wasn't there when that one incident happened, do you think im an idiot"

"you sure do look like one for coming here thinking I did that shit when I fucking didn't" he yelled so loud this time, his words echoed.

The person grabbed the hold of Harry's shirt and whispered something in his ear. Then Harry shoved him off causing the person to stumble back. Then suddenly Harry threw his fist into the person's face. He punched him repeatedly. Should I do something? It's none of my business though why should I get involved?

When Harry was about to throw another punch, the guy grabbed his arm and hit him in the stomach. Harry grabbed his stomach and fell to the ground. The guy kicked him. I could see blood running down Harry's nose. Then the guy pulled out something from his pocket. Oh my god. He loaded the gun with bullets.

"Stop" I shouted. They both turned my way.

I slowly walked over. "Please don't do it." What the fuck was I doing? What if my ass got shot. Turn the fuck around Liyah.

"I thought you said you stayed away from her" the person shouted at Harry. Harry didn't say a single word. He had his eyes closed, struggling to breathe.

The person pointed the gun at me. I opened my mouth. I wanted to scream but nothing came out. Then the person lowered the gun and put it back in their pocket.

"this isn't over" he faced me this time. He then ran away. What wasn't over? What the fuck is even happening.

I quickly walked over to Harry. I tried helping him up but he pushed me away from him.

"Im trying to help you what the fuck"

He struggled to get up but he fell right back down. He started panting. Then he became to get all sweaty. What the fuck was wrong with him. I bent down and grabbed a hold of his face.

"Harry your all hot my god" I pushed the curls out of his face.

"I-I need my-" he struggled to talk, his eyes slowly began to close.

Was this one of his panic attacks? I gently slapped him in the face.

"Harry stay with me, what do you need"

He didn't say nothing. I felt tears starting to form my eyes. I ran my fingers through my hair possibly thinking what to do.

I checked his pockets for any medication. There was only an inhaler and a needle. I took the inhaler and placed it on his mouth.

"Harry please wake up I don't know what to do" tears rolled down my eyes and fell down on his face. His eyes started to slowly open.

"the needle" he spoke softly. I quickly grabbed the needle.

"What, what do you want me to do" I sniffed.

He started shaking. I had no clue what to do right now, all I could think of was crying.

His arm came toward my way. I wasn't sure what he was doing at first but then when he pointed to the needle, I knew exactly what he was talking about.

I injected the needle on his right arm. After moments later, his panting became to slow down. His body temperature went back into its regular temperature but he still had his eyes closed. I stroked his hair and sighed with relief. Then he surprisingly grabbed my hand and interlocked it with his. There was a small smirk on his face. I couldn't help but smile. We just sat there in the middle of the parking lot, his head was rested on my lap and our hands were still interlocked. Man this boy drives me crazy.



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2015 ⏰

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