Chapter 10

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Coach Simons wasn't here today so we had a substitute teacher and we had the whole period as a free day. I immediately took out my phone and headphones and prepared myself to do what I always do, listen to music. Last time it was embarrassing when Harry caught me lying about listening to music and I didn't even had my headphones plugged in, so I made sure this time my dumb ass didn't forget. Ofcourse Tanisha was sitting by Harry probably going on and on about how breathtaking he is or how sexy his accent was, flirting endlessly. Harry wasn't listening to one word she was saying, I could tell because he was just nodding and smiling after every sentence she said.

Lifestyle by Rich gang was blasting in my ear, isolating me out from whatever the fuck everybody else was doing. That's the only reason why I love music. It just has the power to block you out from the whole world. Gina was sending me shit loads of texts causing my phone to have a damn seizure.

Gina: can we talk please?

Me: I have nothing to say to you

Gina: now you gonna be like this?

Me: stop fucking texting me and go suck on Travis dick

By that time she didn't send not a single text. I guess my last text was a little harsh but I had every damn right to be scan, this bitch was in the car fucking with my ex. Now it all makes sense. Yesterday she was acting all weird because she was hiding from me that she was fucking around with Travis. And when she left me at lunch last time, she was too fucking busy sucking on Travis small ass dick in the boys locker room. Okay maybe that's not what technically happened but it's probably close.

Harry finally managed to get away from Tanisha. I'm guessing he had enough of her talking. But sadly he was making his way towards me, fuck I don't want to talk to anyone right now. He sits beside me and runs his fingers through his curls. Why can't he just leave me alone. I pull out my headphones and force a smile. He smiles back exposing his adorable dimples. Did I just use the word adorable? What the fuck is wrong with me. I shake my head and rub my temple.

"what the fu--I mean what do you want," I say.

"I just came to see how you're doing," he said with his thick accent.

"why would you care how I'm doing," I didn't want to sound bitchy but I was really not in the mood to be talking to someone.

He tried to ignore my rude tone, "because I actually am a nice person and care about other people feelings." I rolled my eyes. I swear this was like the 100th time I rolled my eyes today.

"why bother when people don't even care about your feelings."

"it doesn't matter, it's the whole point of being nice," he argued. How does he even manage to be nice all the time. Like people are nice but not this type of nice, this isn't normal. Didn't I tell him that being proper was annoying before? Wasn't I giving him a whole lesson on how to fit in. I almost forgot about the lessons. I've been having a lot of shit on my mind to even focus on that. I need to get on those lessons if I wanted him away from me.

"what did I tell you about being too nice," I ask folding my arms.

"what?" He knew for damn well what.

"you're way too polite and it's so fucking annoying, stop it please."

He didn't respond for a little bit and looked unsure on what to even say next. I always felt bad when I talked to him this rude, it's like yelling at a puppy for no reason. But yet again I always hated dogs. He should just man up and grow some balls, I am teaching him a lesson after all.

I sighed and looked at him with guilt. "see I'm over here pushing you around like a little bitch and you're still nice." Suddenly he grabbed me by the waist and aggressively pulled me closer to him with one hand. He was an inch away from my face. My eyes widened at what just happened. I knew people in the gym was staring. A grin slowly curved from his lips, "maybe I like you pushing me around," he whispered. I felt like throwing up my heart. I put my hand on his chest trying to pull him away but he held to my waist tightly.

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