Chapter 7

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"First off button that damn shirt up all the way," I demanded tugging on Harry's shirt. We moved up as the line at lunch kept on moving. Everyone was looking at us strangely as if we committed a murder or something. I guess it's kind of weird for me to be hanging out with a white British boy with a funny accent, especially when I'm straight ghetto.

A boy then jumped in front of us acting like we didn't notice him at all. Niggas be too hungry as fuck that they have to stoop so low just to get some damn food. Like we eating the same god damn food, you're not going to jump me for it. Then that's when I got the idea. I wasn't gonna say anything about it. Harry did say to teach him not to be polite. Well I guess this is his first lesson.

"Harry how you gonna let him jump us like that" I say faking a furious tone.

"it's okay he can get in front of us" he said.

Lesson 1 is about to began. This is gonna be interesting.

I tapped the boy on the shoulder. When he turned about, I didn't even realize how big he was. I had to literally step back and raise my head up to get a full glimpse of him. Harry looked scared and worried at the same time.

"what" the boy aggressively said.

"how you just gonna jump him like that"

"I didn't jump nobody, you better chill the fuck out with all of this," the boy said taking a step closer causing us to take another step back. Harry pulled the sleeve of my shirt, "what are you doing."

I knew I was so wrong for this but Harry did say he wanted to learn. Now he's gonna learn.

"nah Harry do something about it" I pull him in front of me pushing him closer to the surprisingly large boy.

"his soft ass isn't gonna do shit" the boy said looking down at Harry.

"are you gonna let him talk to you like that," I said stirring things up.

The boy pushed Harry causing him to drop to the ground. This caught everyone waiting in the line eye. "yeah ima keep talking to him like that because he a little bitch that can't-" Harry got up and threw a punch at the boy's face. My eyes widened and my mouth literally just dropped. Well fuck. This wasn't the thing I was going for. The boy's mouth seemed to start bleeding. Everyone looked shocked at what just happened. Harry on the other hand looked happy like he accomplished one of the greatest shit ever. "Now next time don't cut in front of dick," he said while looking down at the boy. The boy nodded in fear. A hood nigga getting scared of a British boy? That's a first. Well lesson 1 turned out to be a fail.

I wasn't really much hungry, I don't understand why I even bothered getting food. Everyone at my table was basically socializing, even Harry. He was too busy talking about UK and other British things. Talisha's full on attention was basically on Harry the whole time. She was basically drooling over his beauty. I didn't even think she was listening to one single word he was saying. I mean I wouldn't blame her, anyone could be distracted by that flawless ass boy. His accent made your heart dropped deep to your stomach. He literally would take your breath away. I was surprised that Gina wasn't sitting at our table today. In fact, she wasn't even in the cafeteria. I didn't understand why, she loved food so much and they were serving hot wings today. That's strange.

"bruh you made him bleed though," Dion said patting Harry on the shoulder. I'm assuming they're still talking about that incident that happened between that boy and Harry. It wasn't even a big deal though. Harry just knocked out that boy with only one punch, not a big deal at all.

"do you even know who you knocked out," Daquan said continuing on their conversation.

"no," Harry chuckled not possibly knowing what the fuck was going on.

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