Chapter 11

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I pulled up into the driveway. I'm glad school ended, my body is sore and my head was hurting so bad. I got out of the car and brushed my hair back. All I want is a long nap with no disturbance whatsoever. Speaking of disturbance, a lady with brown hair that was put back into a tight ponytail came toward my way. With that perfect posture and pale ass skin, I could identify the lady immediately, Harry's bitchy mom. Here we go again.

She gives me a smile, "hello." She was wearing a ruby diamond that matches the color of her eyes necklace around her neck. I envy the money she has. I give her a fake smile back.

"how are you doing on this fine lovely day," she sounded like those neighbors you'd see in movies that are too nice that wear khaki pants and solid colored sweaters that be bringing you food over and asking you how's the weather.

"I'm doing good on this exquisite day," I mock playfully with my terrible British accent. She looked much offended by this so I stop to put on a serious face and clear my throat.

She scanned me up and down, "you dare to mock me?" Her accent just somehow made that question funny, I try so hard to hold back my laugh.

"I'm just fucking with you but what's the word,"

"you Americans are so weird with your provocative slang words," I didn't know If I should be offended by this because I had no clue what the fuck provocative means.

"anyways, I came here to ask you a question if you don't mind," she continued on.

"well actually I was planning to go inside and-" I stopped and sighed. "what's your question?" I still remember when this bitch called me trash or in her term rubbish a couple of days ago and threatened me, I don't even know why I'm wasting my time talking to her.

She took one step closer to me, I clenched my fist preparing myself for whatever that was about to go down. "You know that I'm a mother right Aliyah?"

"it's Liyah and I'm aware," I wasn't sure where she was going with this.

"I try so hard to protect the only child I have in my life, it'll be heartbreaking to me if I lost him," I was sure the 'he' she was referring to was Harry.

"why does this concern me in anyway, not trying to sound rude or anything," I told truthfully. Why is she telling me her life stories and thoughts as if I actually care?

"and It makes me mad to see him hanging around with the wrong group of people such like yourself," This bitch.

I raised an eyebrow at her, "what the fuck."

"no offense dear, nothing personal but I view my child to be surrounded by specific well educated people and I'm sure I told you not to be around him, was that not a warning to you," This bitch was going off on me so calmly. I really wish I could smash my fist into her face.

"do you not want Harry to have any friends or something," I say with a chuckle.

"pardon me?" She knows she heard me loud and clear.

"look queen Elizabeth, Harry has the right to choose whoever to hang around with, don't you think it's kind of sad that his bitchy ass mom is making every decision for him, hop off of his dick and let him live," I end my sentence with a smile. I knew she was pissed off inside. She might look calm and perfect on the outside but I know she's too damn heated on the inside, I'd just love to see her get really pissed.

Then Harry walked out of his house and looked at us surprised and speechless. He walked over to our way. Time to make this bitch really pissed.

"what's going on," he said with a confused face.

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