Chapter 5

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Sundays was basically a reminder that tomorrow was Monday (the worst day of the week). That's when your ass remembers all the shit you forgot to do and you had to do it at the last minute. I had a pile of homework stacked on my bed. I don't really much have the energy to do homework right now. But on the other hand it is worth a letter grade, so if I don't do this shit, my ass gonna drop a letter grade down. I forced myself onto my bed. I grabbed my college algebra book from my desk and opened. I can't believe I was actually doing this. The last time I've done homework was three months ago. I didn't believe homework was that important, it's just more work that you do at home from school. Like I've gone through a whole day of school doing work, why the fuck would I do another work at home. It was just stupid.

The numbers in this textbook made me wanna choke myself. I don't understand none of this shit. There was a scramble of numbers mixed with numbers, something like "if x=24 and y=20 find the value of N to the given problem (5x/45-126y-n). Why the fuck am I solving 'N' when 'N' can solve itself? The fuck. I quickly slammed the book shut and rubbed my temple. I don't think I could do this so I'll just drop a letter grade. I wasn't gonna waste my time doing this confusing ass shit. I heard a knock on my door, and it opened slowly.

"honey, there's a boy at the door with a weird voice," She said with a sweet voice.

"why you talking like a white person," I said.

"I don't know but get your ass downstairs and tell that boy with that voice to not step foot on my grass," she said gaining back her ghetto voice.

Boy with a weird voice? Oh crap. This boy again. He keeps coming back and back. Like Im trying to ignore his ass. Why is he coming to my house? He walked out on me yesterday when he almost gave me a heart attack over that panic attack shit he had.

I went downstairs with mom following me. I don't know why she's following me. She knows boys come to my house all the time.

I opened the door and there he was, the fine ass nigga that keeps coming back. He was wearing a beanie with his curls popping out from the side, the beanie made him even more flawless.

"make this fast," I said starting off.

"can I come in," he said with a low voice.

My mom popped her head out on the side of my shoulder.

"and who might you be boy," she said.

Harry stuck his hand out in a polite way and smiled, "hello, I'm Harry."

I rolled my eyes, my mom seemed surprised by him sticking his hand out as if someone just offered her a million dollars.

"aye, he's polite and cute," she said looking at me and giving me a wink.

"why are you here," I said.

"I need to talk to you about...yesterday."

"wait yesterday, fuck happened yesterday," my mom cut us off.

"nothing happened yesterday," I said giving out a sigh.

"y'all didn't fuck did y'all?" she said looking concerned.

She did not just ask that in front of him? Please someone just shoot me.

"ma! we didn't do none of those stuff," I said with an embarrassed tone.

Harry chuckled and I turned my gaze at him, giving him that really nigga face. He stopped.

"I don't need nobody fucking at my house Liyah," she said.

"we didn't fuck," I yelled.

"don't raise your voice at me, I ain't those parents who let their kids talk smart, I'll smack the fuck out of you," raising her voice much louder than mine.

"is this a bad time, I could come-"

"nah you can come in Hassy," my mom said interrupting Harry and letting him in.

I officially hate my life. I was just too pissed to talk. Whatever the fuck he had to say, I didn't want to hear it anymore but I know my mom gonna force me anyways.

"now Horsey, sit down with Liyah and tell her whatever you want, I'll get you some ice tea," she said smiling at him.

"it's Harry and thanks, I appreciate it," he said returning the smile back.

My mom left to get the ice tea. Harry and I sat in my living room in silence. He looked uncomfortable and I kept a straight angry face looking at him like I wanted to rip his guts.

"so um..." Harry said nervously placing his hand on his lap.

I really wanted to punch his face in right now. He just annoyed me now. I'm tired of his polite ass always showing up out of nowhere when I clearly don't want him near me at all.

"let me ask you something, do you think we're friends?" I say squinting at him.

"sorry I don't understand the answer," he said looking confused.

"okay let me make myself clear, do you think we're friends?" I say with a weird British accent.

"are you making fun of me," he said.

"look homeboy, I don't know why you're always running into me, which is kind of creepy, thinking we're friends or something, which we're not. can you just do me a favor and stay away from me, as harsh as that sounds, I don't want your polite ass near me ever, I mean ever," I said finishing off with a fake smile.

I know I sounded like a total bitch right now. But I was just tired of this boy. And besides I had to stay away for him, for my own sake.

"wow," he said looking shocked and brushing his hair back.

Mom came in with a tray of ice tea smiling proud of her work.

"I got the tea," she said setting it down on the table.

Harry got up and walked to the door.

Finally, it's about damn time he left.

"wait where you going boy," mom said looking confused turning my gaze to me, automatically assuming I did something wrong.

Harry turned to me and said "you know, for a person who was all over me the other night, it's surprising how fast you change your mind." Then he made his way out and slammed the door.

"Liyah, what does he mean by the other night," mom turned around putting her hands on her hips.

I was not gonna discuss to my mom how I was grinding on him at the club. I was just tired. So I turned to her and said "I don't know what the fuck he's talking about."

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