Girls' Day

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*One year since the last chapter

The Puddlemere Quidditch team are the two-year running champions for the Quidditch World Cup, winning just a week ago. 

Timmy's girlfriend, Maria, decided to have an abortion. However, the two are still together and happy. Maria has even attended Sunday Dinners at Potter Manor. 

Teddy started making his hair turn into the color of Harry's because he was being bullied for it. That's when Nova told him it was okay to be different. She explained that she and Harry will love him no matter what hair color he chooses. 

He only changed his hair for school. At home, it went back to his blue. Every time they were around muggles, his hair would be raven-colored and untidy. 

Blaise and Theo finally got married. It was safe to say both men were the color of cherries by the time Nova and Draco were done with their speeches. 

Fred and Angelina finally got married. Much to Molly's displeasure, they eloped. Fred didn't want to deal with the hassle of the wedding, nor did Angelina. 

As of right now, was walking down the streets of Muggle London to meet Hermione and Ginny. It's been months since they last hung out, and they needed a break from everything. 

Nova dressed in a loose grey tank-top with think straps with the front tucked into her black jean shorts and white converses entered the small cafe. When she did, she immediately spotted her friends. She pushed her golden sunglasses to the top of her head as she sat. 

"Took you long enough," Ginny teased as she tied her hair into a messy bun. Much like Nova, she wore a tank top and jean shorts. However, instead of a grey shirt, she wore a black one with white shorts. 

Nova rolled her eyes and gave Ginny a light shove. 

"So," Hermione smirked. Much like Ginny, her hair was pulled into a messy. She wore a lilac purple flower off-the-shoulder top and dark grey shorts. "How are my two favorite Quidditch Hall Of Fame players?"

Three months ago, Nova and Ginny were both inducted into the Quidditch Hall of Fame. 

"Luna's been away with work so I've been sitting on my couch watching the picture box thing," Ginny stated, taking a sip of her drink. 

"I've been battling reports, evil bat mothers at the park, rumors, and old men hitting on me at the same park," Nova declared. 

"What about you?" Ginny asked. 


"Pregnant!" Nova grinned excitedly. 

"No," Hermione shot her down.


Ginny sniggered as Hermione glared at Nova. 

"I was going to say that I'm doing alright," Hermione rolled her eyes.  

The three women laughed and chatted as they waited for their food. It was three friends catching up on everything they missed. Three friends laughing at the smallest things. Three friends telling stories. Three friends being just that. Friends.

"Excuse me while I go puke my guts out," Nova declared as they moved to leave. 

Almost as an unwritten law, Hermione and Ginny followed. 

Ginny scrunched her nose as she held Nova's hair back. Hermione rushed to grab Nova something to clean her face with. 

When she was done vomiting, Nova reached up and flushed the toilet before cleaning her face. 

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