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May 6, 2022


"Girl what?" I laughed zoning back into my friend Janelle.

"I said what are we getting for lunch today?" she rolled her eyes.

"I could go for some wings from Joe's." I answered shrugging.

"That's cool with y'all?" she asked Riley and Amor, our two other friends.

"I'm getting Chick-fil-A but I'll walk with y'all." Riley answered.

"Some wings would be good!" Amor said before turning her blow dryer on.


"Jade, no drinks other than water at your station!" my teacher Ms. Green said walking past. I completely forgot to hide my Starbucks drink we got during our first break. "I'll move it right now." I responded, sitting it in my purse and covering it with my jacket. It's the middle of Spring so I don't need a jacket now but at 8AM when I'm walking to the train to take my hour long commute to cosmetology school it's still cold.


"I can't believe we're about to graduate!" Amor shrieked as we walked to get our wings.

"I know it feels like just yesterday we started and met." Riley added.

"It really does!" Janelle added.

"I'm so happy we're all together though. Like who would've thought we were going to make lifelong friends from this shit." I smiled at them. I really loved all these girls. They were seriously my babies and blood couldn't make them any more or less my sisters. We all met our first day and have been tight since then.


"Hey Chocolate" this guy said walking into Joe's while we waited on our food. They all smirked and held in their laughs while I rolled my eyes. I loved my skin complexion but I hated being addressed as "Chocolate" and they knew it. I just stayed silent and scrolled on my phone while I felt the guy burning a hole into the side of my face.

"20 hot wings all flats fried hard with blue cheese and fries!" the guy at the counter yelled.

"That's me!" I walked up grabbing my food.

"I'll wait for y'all outside." I said and they all nodded in return. I walked out the doors and pulled my mask down because I hate wearing them. I miss breathing in the dirty Colombus, Mississippi air.

"Come on." Janelle said, pulling her mask down too.

"Why would you ever ignore that boy like that!" Amor laughed.

"He was cute too!" Janelle added.

"First of all he had a mask on." Riley came to my defense.

"And y'all know I hate that Chocolate shit!" I laughed as we walked back to school.

"Did you ever braid Rodney hair?" Riley asked while we ate.

"Yeah I finally did it the other day. That just reminded me I didn't post it." I laughed.

Rodney was my friend and recently I kept canceling on him when he asked to get his hair braided and then the day I was actually going to do it I had forgotten all my hair supplies in the salon.


"Oh my goodness!" I groaned walking into my parent's house.

"Hey!" my little sister greeted me.

"Hey girl." I mumbled walking to my room. I just needed a nap.

"My mom said can you braid my hair?" my little sister asked, following me into my room.

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