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June 10, 2022

"Can you come retwist my hair tomorrow?"

"Yeah Ja." I shrugged. I was at school doing hair by myself because my girls had all graduated. Tomorrow is a Saturday and I don't do hair on Saturdays or Sundays but it's Ja so of course I'm going to make an exception.

"You want me to come get you?" He asked meaning come drive from Memphis to Columbus.

"I'll just fly Ja." Flying literally takes longer than driving I just don't feel like a long car ride.

"Okay. Are you going to stay with me?"

"I was just going to leave after I was done."

"Nah pack a bag you staying the night." He hung up quickly.

Did this man just hang up on me?

"I didn't hang up my phone died." He said as soon as I answered the call from his other number.

"Oh okay because I surely was going to stay my ass home and not twist nothing." I joked.

"But dead ass stay with me this weekend." He smiled.

"Weekend? I thought you said the night. You know what okay whatever."

"Yeah we're going out tomorrow night so you're staying the whole weekend." He added.

"So just fuck covid huh?" I sighed.

"Not a club, it's just a little gathering." He laughed.

"So should I wear heels?"

"Wear whatever you wanna wear." He cheesed.

"Okay bye Temetrius." I laughed hanging up in his face.


"Your hair still looks fine." I said as Ja walked in his house holding my bags. It was about 4PM in Memphis and it was hot as hell.

"But it's been a week." He laughed.

"Nobody else gets their hair done every week. If you missed me you could've just said that." I shook my head. Every weekend since we met 2 months ago he either drives to Columbus or he pays for my flight to Memphis so I can retwist his hair.

"I know it better be something other than leggings and tanks in these bags." He laughed holding up my pink and white large Telfars.

"Stop trying to play me."

"That's all you wear so I didn't know if you had some going out leggings packed or something." He joked.

"You think you so fucking funny huh? Because even if I did you and I both know I would still look good in them."

"Come on let's get in the pool. It's hot as shit and looking at you in these leggings making me hotter yo." He bumped me.

"Now when I start swinging on you ima be the bad guy. But I didn't bring a swimsuit, sorry." I said plopping down on the couch rubbing his dog Twelve head.

"Let's go get you one." He grabbed his keys.

"Whatever." I sighed and followed him out to his car.

"Where to?" He asked, pushing the start button.

"Wealth. But just go target please." I laughed.

"Bye as much money you make off doing hair you could have a push to start too you just don't want to drive." He looked over at me.

"Okay but can you blame me? I mean just look at how cute I look in your passenger seat." I smiled posing.

"You ight."

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