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December 25, 2023

"Merry Christmas!" I greeted everyone as we walked into Ja's parents home.

I had Kaari's hand and Kairi's car seat while Ja had their brother and the pan off macaroni and cheese I made. Ja was okay with me not making Christmas dinner this year but I know he loves my Mac so I made some for dinner. We still haven't spoken to Ja's parents but Niya said they invited us over for Christmas dinner. Walking further into the house I saw our whole family. I saw my parents were there and my older sisters so I was ecstatic. Even KK and her new boo was there.

"Mommy, Jadey let me help give Kairi a bath and she let me hold her all by myself!" Kaari ran over telling her mom about her big sister adventures.

"She's the best big sister!" I smiled over at KK, sitting down taking Kairi out her car seat.

"Can they hold them?" Ja yelled out from the kitchen.

"After they wash they hands yeah. But no kissing on my kids!" I yelled back.

Everyone immediately ran to the sinks washing their hands. Before I could blink KK had Kairo and Courtney was holding Kairi.

"Can we all talk in private? Mom, Dad! Jade, Ja come on!" Niya asked.

I nodded and walked over to Ja who grabbed my hand and we all walked to the theater room and sat down.

"Anybody want to start?" Niya asked.

"I will. We're literally neighbors and we haven't seen y'all in months. I haven't got to hold my own grand babies yet and all I see is pictures Niya show me and she talking about Jade said she can't send the pictures to anyone. I don't know what's going on. We were all good then Jade left out the blue and Ja was around here sad and miserable just depressed because she left while pregnant. Then I see y'all back together and Ja won't answer the phone and changed the locks on the doors. Then y'all pop up married and didn't tell us. What happened that y'all stopped speaking to us?" Jaime said tearing up.

"Well all that not seeing us, and not holding the kids was the fault of you and your husband's actions. No one is allowed to send pictures of my kids around to anyone so that was not anything personal against y'all. Everything else you said was definitely personal and it was the result of things y'all said though. On my husband's birthday when I chose to publicly announce my pregnancy I received a phone call from Teniya. In that phone call and the one she had with my husband on Thanksgiving she ran down every single detail of conversations you and your husband had about me. Y'all spoke so negatively about me and said I was just using my husband and I trapped him and I was only in this for money and so many other God forsaken things. I never left Ja, I left y'all family. I didn't want to be around y'all and I was okay never seeing or speaking to y'all again. Anything my husband ever did for me was because he wanted to. Your son loves me down. He will do anything in his power for me. And I love him more. If y'all can't accept that then oh well. I'm only here today because Teniya said y'all wanted us here and I don't mind y'all meeting and seeing the twins. My relationship with you two will never be the same but I'm never going to keep them babies from y'all. And I had no say in Ja choosing to stop speaking to y'all. But I would think y'all could understand why he isn't speaking to y'all." I didn't feel bad for her tears or anything else.

I forgive them enough for the sake of my children but I really don't love these people the same as before. Once you learn someone's true colors it's hard to see them in any other light.

"Jade we didn't mean that stuff we said we were just upset because y'all young and y'all just met y'all didn't need to be having kids so soon." Tee responded.

"We're also grown and capable adults. Whether you meant it or not doesn't matter because you said it and I was affected by it. We can just move forward from here. Like I said I'm not affecting your relationship with your son or your grandchildren but understand the effect your words had in my family. Y'all can see my kids whenever y'all want but understand I will never forget what y'all said about me." I shrugged leaning back into Ja's chest.

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