French is the New Eiffel Language (pt. 1)

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Don: Last time on the Ridonculous Race, after shopping for spices and riding camels through the Moroccan desert, the teams worked up a hefty appetite, and I lost mine. Ugh, I can't stand watching these people... The winners were the Philosophers, but they sure acted like total losers back there. But at least they were not eliminated, which I sadly can't say for the Jerks, Dan and Chris. Then again, I am glad I get to never hear Dan's voice again. That was then, however, and this is... The Ridonculous Race!


1. Philosophers
2. BFPFs
3. Fallen Angels
4. Magical Girlfriends
5. Glitch Techs
6. Host Club Members
7. Apex Leaders
8. Liars
9. Burger Children
10. State Alchemists
11. Sparrow Scouts
12. IMPs
13. Mystery Twins
14. Camp Campers
15. McDuck Nephews
16. Fan Favorites
17. Humanized Crystal Gems
18. Superheroes
19. Aristocrats
20. Air Benders
21. Best Friends
22. Conspirators
23. Celebrities
24. Dimension Hoppers
25. Smart Asses
26. Space Conquerers
27. Roommates
28. Park Employees
29. Witches

(The sun is rising and Don presents a new Don Box next to the Chill Zone)

Don: Yesterday's finish line is today's start. Teams will depart in the order they arrived, starting with yesterday's winners, the Philosophers.

(Pride smiles and waves at the camera as Envy rubs their eyes, their hair looking more of a mess)

Pride: Even though yesterday had many, many hiccups, we still empowered the other teams by getting first. It goes to show how these humans are no different compared to the ones we encounter on a daily basis.

Envy: Plus, having the first win should mean that the entire competition will go in our favor. If that is the case, then I say Father's plans will pull through.

Pride: Of course Father's plans will be successful, Envy. He's been planning even before I was born.

Pride: (presses the Don Box and gets the tip) It seems we are going to Paris, France. From what I know, that city is very populated.

Envy: Ooooh, goody! (Rubs their hands together)

(Slides of Paris appear. There is one of the Louvre, a small coffee shop, and a mime)

Don: Paris, France! Home of the Mona Lisa, tiny coffees, and other things that will annoy me like you won't believe! Once they arrive, they must head down to the Eiffel Tower to receive their next tip.


(The Philosophers rush to the empty highway to come across 29 two-seater mopeds. They snag the first moped and drive off. Many other teams quickly follow. Teams such as Liars, Mystery Twins, Magical Girlfriends, BFPFs, and State Alchemists ride off without hesitation)

Hilda: Whoa... What is this?

Frida: I believe it's a moped. It kind of works like a bicycle, if you remember riding one of those.

Hilda: Of course I remember! Hop on, Frida!

(Frida gets on and, with some slight hesitation, lets Hilda take the driver seat)

Frida: (alone) Please prey for us...

(Anne and Sasha are speeding down the road, Anne being the one who's driving)

Sasha: Can you believe that we're all going to the shopping complex and city of love so early in the race? This is lit AF!

Anne: Maybe they want some love action early on so they can have a chance to blossom. But Sasha, we both know what Paris is really known for...

Total Drama: Ridonculous Race: Crossover Style Where stories live. Discover now