None Down, Thirty to Go (pt. 1)

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(It starts off in Toronto, Canada. Here, our lovely host Don comes to greet the audience)

Don: This is Toronto, the capital of North America. Birthplace of funk, where the albino tiger roams free.

(There, an albino tiger is on a yacht, roaring)

Don: Beneath my manly sized rogues, thirty teams are arriving at this historic train station to embark on a race around the world. I'm your host, Don, and this is... The Ridonculous Race!

(It cuts to the Union Station in Toronto, Canada)

Don: Welcome to the Ridonculous Race. Right now, thirty teams from all over the world, even some places I'm not aware of, are readying themselves to embark themselves on a race to the death!

(His earpiece buzzes like crazy. Don turns it down so he can hear what his agent has to say)

Don: Not to the death? Oh... Okay. (To the audience) Let's meet our contestants that (winks) aren't racing to the death.

(Multiple teams have entered the train. Luckily, Don is here to introduce them all to us)

Don: Anne and Sasha, BFPFs. If the name is confusing, it means Best Friends Probably Forever... These girls have interesting history, don't they?

(Anne is Thai American with a poofy hairstyle with leaves and sticks. Sasha has her light blonde hair up in a ponytail and has a beauty mark and scar on her face)

(ATTENTION: When the words are bold and italicized, it means they are in a confessional)

Anne: Ahhh, finally. After months of being in Amphibia, we are back at Earth! I'm gonna miss the Plantars though...

Sasha: You certainly got close to them, Anne. So yeah... Anne and I joined this race as a way to "start a new adventure" and kinda "make amends". Our friendship got pretty messy when we got transported to this island. But hey, we're cool now.

Anne: I'm confident that we can at least patch up the wounds. It's certainly not gonna be how it was back in kindergarten, but then again, today is way different than 8 years ago.

Sasha: Totes. I had bruises before, but never a scar. That's badass.

Don: Louise and Gene, Burger Children. As it states, they are two of the children of Bob Belcher, owner of a mediocre burger restaurant that the kids forgot to put the name of.

(Louise is 9 years old and spouts a green dress and irreplaceable bunny hat. Gene is 11 years old and is definitely plus size, but proud of it)

Gene: Hell yes, a trip around the world! Just thinking of all the foreign cuisines to try out is getting me starved!

Louise: Focus on the task here, big bro. We are here to win ourselves some big wads of cash. Once we do, everyone at school will want to bet their most prized possessions to us!

Gene: Like dentures, whoopee cushions, and especially Tod's stack of Pokémon cards!

Louise: Especially those stack of cards. Look out, world. You are about to face the wrath of the Belchers!

Don: Jinora and Ikki, Air Benders. Both are known for being descendants of a air nomad who took down the dictatorship of the Fire Nation.

(Jinora has a blue mark on her head that represents her being a master of her craft and short dark brown hair. Ikki has longer hair and no blue mark yet.)

Jinora: If there was anything I wasn't expecting, it is that I would end up in a television show. Especially since we don't have access to such. But here comes my sister, ready to prove me wrong.

Total Drama: Ridonculous Race: Crossover Style Where stories live. Discover now