French is the New Eiffel Language (pt. 3)

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THE LOUVRE RIVER - Philosophers, BFPFs, and Sparrow Scouts

PARISIAN CATACOMBS - Smart Asses, Liars, Magical Girlfriends, Apex Leaders, Park Employees, Burger Children, State Alchemists, Mystery Twins, Fan Favorites, Glitch Techs, Camp Campers, IMPs, Aristocrats, McDuck Nephews, Witches, Dimension Hoppers, Fallen Angels, Conspirators, Celebrities, Host Club Members, Humanized Crystal Gems, Superheroes, Space Conquerers, Air Benders, Best Friends, and Roommates


(The Philosophers arrive first. Pride hops off the cheese wheel. Envy, out of pure rage about Pride splitting up with them in the maze, is about to punch the cheese wheel to bits. This is until the BFPFs and Sparrow Scouts to catch up to them)

Pride: Evelyn, we gotta go! The other teams have the lead!

(There's a stone staircase leading up to a long run alongside the Louvre art museum. This staircase leads the teams to the Pyramid Court, where the Chill Zone awaits them)


(BFPFs, Sparrow Scouts, and Philosophers roll their cheeses as they run, the Chill Zone finally in sight. They push toward the finish with all their might)




Don: First place goes to... The BFPFs! Good work, ladies.

(The girls cheer and high five. Anne even gives her own special victory screech)

Sasha: See, Anne? I told you we will get in first! Our performance was amazing!

Anne: We crushed it! I say we celebrate with some high quality croissants and tiny coffees!

Sasha: And a visit to the Eiffel Tower!

Anne: And a shopping tour! Man, there's a lot to do in Paris... And falling in love is not one of them. I am not getting shipped with anyone here. Hell no.

Don: Second place goes to.... The Sparrow Scouts! Congrats, you two. And to the Philosophers... a whopping third place!

Frida: Yes! Second place! You hear that, Hilda?

Hilda: We're making great progress here! Second out of 29 is extraordinary!

Frida: And now that we're in Paris, one of the most famous cities in the world, I say it was about time that you get exploring.

Hilda: I'll probably stick with having a bike tour and show me the places, if that's fine with you.

Frida: (shrugs) Whatever makes you comfortable.

Pride: Third place.... That's okay! I'm sure the next challenge wouldn't be too hard, right, big sibling?


Sasha: Chill out. Third place is still pretty fucking awesome.

Frida: Can we... not cuss in front of the little kid here?

Pride: It's okay! I'm used to this kind of bad behavior out of my big sibling!

Frida: Really now...?

(Hilda dodges a cheese wheel that Envy threw)

Don: .... And you live with this?

Pride: Usually it's the family that suffers and not the public, Don!

Pride: (alone) Envy has always been the more sensitive of the bunch. It has seemingly gotten worse ever since our only sister was... killed by a colonel in the Amestris Army. She and Envy were close to one another, so of course they suffer a lot when she met her demise. It is pathetic.

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