Bjorken Telephone (pt. 1)

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Don: Last time on the Ridonculous Race, the teams got chummy with sharks. Some more so than others. Once they finished making castles in the sand, it was a boat race from the Mediterranean to the coast of Iceland. It looked like the last place belonged to the unfortunate Host Club Members, but it was the Witches who choked on their goal to be fabulous. A shopping spree prior to the episode was used against them by the Space Conquerers, who disposed their shrooms, forcing them to choose between the game or their lineup. Nikki had that dilemma as well, but Max spared his team from elimination. Who will be tempted into last place? I certainly don't have a chance. Ready to kick it? Good! Cause it's time for... The Ridonculous Race!


1. Liars
2. Philosophers
3. McDuck Nephews
4. Dimension Hoppers
5. Sparrow Scouts
6. Park Employees
7. Burger Children
8. Glitch Techs
9. IMPs
10. Mystery Twins
11. Conspirators
12. State Alchemists
13. Magical Girlfriends
14. Celebrities
15. Superheroes
16. Aristocrats
17. Apex Leaders
18. Fallen Angels
19. Air Benders
20. Roommates
21. Fan Favorites
22. Best Friends
23. Space Conquerers
24. Camp Campers
25. Smart Asses
26. BFPFs
27. Host Club Members


(Don is standing in front of an icy cliff, which rains down ice)

Don: Welcome back to Iceland, where today's starting line is yesterday's Chill Zone. (Shivers) And man, is it freezing. Even in the summertime!

(Don is about to take a bite out of his bag of almonds before they all freeze due to the weather)

Don: Jeez.... Anyway, the first team to depart will be yesterday's winners, the Liars.

(Celeste walks elegantly, almost as if she is being crowned Queen of England. Kokichi is skipping behind her, looking more enthralled than ever)

Kokichi: Ahhh... Last night's victory celebration was intense, wasn't it?

Celeste: I have to agree with that. Let's try to stay comfortable and adjust, if we want to swindle our way to the top again. (Presses the Don Box)

Kokichi: I wonder what torture Don planned for us today. Spill, Celeste, fair maiden.

Celeste: "Take a bus to the geyser fields of Geysisgil and locate the next Don Box." Let's hope these are just for show and nothing else.

Kokichi: Based on previous challenges... You're as fine as ever! Or was that a lie? Hm?

Celeste: It's a lie if I ever heard one.

(Slides of Iceland appear. The geyser fields especially look dim and craggy)

Don (VO): The geysers of Geysisgil are actually interconnected to an active volcano under a skimpy twenty centimeter layer of solicitous sinter.... Maybe someone like Rick would understand it better than me.


(The Liars enter the bus stop, which lacks other teams and a bus)

Celeste: No other teams yet, this is good... Now, with my side goal still intact... How does one approach such fine gentlemen? Perhaps by using the same tactics as any other host? Greet them, flirt with them, tug into their egos and duties... Make them feel good, you know?

Kokichi: Haruhi is a chick. I saw her in a bikini.

Celeste: Is she now? That does explain her more feminine features... It's illegal to have same sex marriage in Japan, so we can only hope to move out in France into the castle I will buy. Either that, or go for Tamaki. Either one is fine.

Kokichi: Hmm... Eh. Do what you do best.

Celeste: Hmmm... I will tease into it. I will build a solid relationship with them. Then maybe pursue them with a note of some kind. That should work fine.

Total Drama: Ridonculous Race: Crossover Style Where stories live. Discover now