Loco in Morocco (pt. 1)

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Don: Last time on the Ridonculous Race! Thirty teams started a race around the world! After a lot of running, waiting, and even more running, confronting fears and pushing themselves farther than I thought possible, everyone reached the airport and booked themselves on three different flights to Morocco. The first flight has already departed, the second flight has just taken off, and the third flight will not be until another hour. Which one of these teams will suffer the ultimate reality show humiliation and get kicked out first? Time to find out! This is... The Ridonculous Race!


(Many teams are waiting inside for their airplane to be ready to fly. Dan is using the payphone while the others are looking out of the window or having casual banter)

Lotte: So we didn't exactly got the best start... But that's okay! It doesn't ultimately mean failure! It just means we have to work harder to reach the top!

Sucy: We probably would have gotten further had we picked the skywalk, but that's on us, I guess. Morocco is said to be pretty hot, but maybe it won't be that hard. Maybe.

Lotte: Of course it wouldn't be that hard, it's the second challenge. Why would they make the second challenge difficult?

Sucy: Well, we got third flight after the first challenge in Canada, so maybe it will be pretty hard.

Lotte: (is alone at the confessional) I never like being mean to myself or to other people... It puts everyone in a bad mood. Sucy does seem like she is having a bad time, though. How can I possibly lift her spirits...?

(Libby is sitting alongside Molly, having her nose in a book. It is about conspiracies from around the world)

Libby: I can't really find much on Morocco here. At least, none that are interesting. Most of them have to do with terrorism, actually. Let's see... Oh! There is that one famous "War Against Islam" conspiracy!

Molly: I heard they have camels here, and lemme tell ya, I love camels! I rode a camel once! It was during my first day in the zoo and the camel was spitting everywhere! I still have that picture somewhere in my room!

Libby: (a bit grossed out) I don't think I would wanna see that, Molly...

(Honey Lemon and Gogo are sitting by Steven and Connie, making small talk to one another)

Honey Lemon: So wait, you went to college, too?!

Connie: (chuckles) Well, not yet. But I am signing up for multiple applications until I find the one university I call "the one".

Steven: As for me, I've never even been to school. You could say I was taught everything I know from Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl. They took me in when Mom and Dad can't.

Gogo: I mean, I used to go to San Fransokyo Institute of Technology for Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Design. Helps to further your education, y'know?

Steven: Huh. I never heard of that one, actually. Though, to be fair, I am unfamiliar with any school in general.

Connie: I've heard about San Fransokyo Institute of Technology, actually! I was actually offered to go there due to my status in the honor roll, but I turned it down due to its reliance on technological aspects. I'm more into getting into medical school.

Gogo: Then Baymax the medical robot would love to meet you.

(The four of them laugh)

(Dan is calling Chris's girlfriend, Elise, on the payphone)

Dan: ... No, you heard me the first time! This TV show is a load of ass! The challenge was complete bullshit and I sure as hell don't think it's going to get better in Morocco at all places! What the hell is there about Morocco that's so special?!

Total Drama: Ridonculous Race: Crossover Style Where stories live. Discover now