Loco in Morocco (pt. 2)

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SAHARA DESERT (Camelback) - Apex Leaders, Dimension Hoppers, Fallen Angels, Glitch Techs, BFPFs, Philosophers, Mystery Twins, and Magical Girlfriends

YOUSEF'S SPICE KIOSK (All In) - Smart Asses and Burger Children

MOROCCAN AIRPORT - Superheroes, Aristocrats, Park Employees, State Alchemists, Fan Favorites, Liars, Host Club Members, Sparrow Scouts, Space Conquerers, and IMPs

THIRD FLIGHT - Humanized Crystal Gems, Best Friends, Roommates, Jerks, Celebrities, Air Benders, Conspirators, Witches, Camp Campers, and McDuck Nephews


Don (VO): The second flight teams are on their way to the kiosk!

(The teams that were in flight two catch up to the Smart Asses and Burger Children, who are still trying to decide)

(Millie is at awe at the variety of spices there are to choose from)

Millie: Look at all these spices, Mox Mox! I can't believe that there are so many to make a whole spice stand! Morocco has everything we need to make a firing recipe!

Moxxie: That's great, honey, um... I'm just going to take the ones I do know. Which are saffron, rosemary, cardamom, cinnamon, and black pepper. We don't exactly need it to taste sweet, just appetizing... right?

Moxxie: (by himself) If we play by the game's rules, we would at least look less suspicious to the other players. Meaning, our target is going to fall off guard. (Gets a call from Blitzo) Hello? . . . Yes, we got to the first country.... Yes, we're still playing the game... No, Blitzo, your theatrics are still unimaginable... I said what I said! (Hangs up)

Peepers: Obviously, Lord Hater doesn't know his spices. So it's going to be up to me to make sure we got the right spices.

Hater: Like you can prove yourself of any use! You barely even cook!

Peepers: Excuse me, but who makes the other breakfast in bed every morning? I'm no expert of any sort, but at least I made the effort to work with a spatula!

Hater: Whatever. Just don't put pepper in! I hate pepper!

Peepers: Of course, Sir.

(While Moxxie is picking up the spices, he overhears the Host Club Members and State Alchemists still making friendly conversation)

Tamaki: In our school, Haruhi and I are in a Host Club! I'm one of the managers, actually.

Alphonse: What exactly is a host club anyway?

Tamaki: We mostly cater to women and make them feel at home! Serve their food and drinks, start some conversations, flirt with them, it's so fun to be apart of!

Tamaki: It all started in my first year of Ouran High School. I made good friends with my classmate Kyoya and the idea of us two forming a host club sounded amazing! He agreed after two weeks of being hesitant and so we rounded up our members! Honey, Mori, the twins Hikaru and Kaoru, and finally Haruhi!

Haruhi: I first joined because I owed them a hefty debt for breaking their vase. And while hosting is not my thing, I'm honestly glad I joined.

Tamaki: (sniffs) You have no idea just how happy I get after hearing these words spill out of your mouth, Haruhi!

Haruhi: I honestly know plenty, Senpai.

Alphonse: That sounds nice. Ed and I mostly learned what we know from home and the books that our dad used to have.

Edward: (scoffs and mutters) The bastard...

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