French is the New Eiffel Language (pt. 2)

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EIFFEL TOWER WATERFRONT (Botch or Watch) - Philosophers (Envy), Magical Girlfriends (Amity), Smart Asses (Morty), Host Club Members (Tamaki), BFPFs (Sasha), Apex Leaders (Simon), Fallen Angels (Panty), Burger Children (Louise), State Alchemists (Alphonse), Sparrow Scouts (Frida), Mystery Twins (Mabel), and Fan Favorites (Varian)

PARIS AIRPORT (Taxis) - Glitch Techs, Camp Campers, and IMPs

SECOND FLIGHT - Aristocrats, McDuck Nephews, Witches, Dimension Hoppers, Liars, Conspirators, Celebrities, Park Employees, Humanized Crystal Gems, Superheroes, Space Conquerers, Air Benders, Best Friends, and Roommates


(As it turns out, there weren't enough taxis for every team. So now the IMPs and Glitch Techs are running alongside each other. Where the Camp Campers are is unknown)

Moxxie: .... I'm just gonna say it now: This is entirely the host's fault. He should've been more mathematically prepared for this.

Miko: Unless this was maybe done on purpose to add suspense! It's too bad we got the short end of the stick...

Hector: On the plus side, the second flight hasn't landed yet and there might not be any more taxis for some of them. If that is the case, then we got the upper hand on them.

Millie: Then there's no time to hassle then! If we want to keep our positions, we have to rush this challenge!

(The two teams do just that)

Don (VO): This just in, flight number two has landed.

(The teams from flight number two begin rushing out of the airport and run toward the taxis)

(Steven and Connie rush out to get a taxi)

Connie: Taxi!

(A taxi comes on by, but the driver looks high. VERY high. They can practically see the eyelids)

Steven: Umm... Are you okay, sir?

(The driver passes out and is most likely dying)

Steven: Oh my god! D-Don't worry, I'll call an ambulance!

(Honey Lemon and Gogo claim a taxi and get inside)

Honey Lemon: (squeals) We are actually in Paris, France! The fashion capital of the world! I've always dreamed of going here!

Gogo: Honestly, this whole race is a once of a lifetime experience. I'm so glad to be apart of this. I hope we get to go to Finland sometime soon.

Honey Lemon: I am going to try on SO many clothes here, you will not believe!

Gogo: Make sure you do that after the challenges, Honey Lemon

(Jinora and Ikki watch as an ambulance pulls over for Steven and Connie's driver. The scene becomes less apparent as their own driver heads off)

Jinora: Well, those two are sure not getting in the top ten.

Ikki: First their moped crashed, then their driver needed an ambulance. Those two are surely having bad luck today.


Don (VO): As teams from the second flight head to the Eiffel Tower, teams from flight one strain to finish the first challenge.

(Mabel is right behind Envy, both of them drawing. Envy has their whole focus on their drawing, so Mabel thought now would be the perfect time to slip her love note for them. She reaches in for the note and-)

Dipper: Mabel, what are you doing?

Mabel: (whispers) Dipper! I'm sending Evelyn their note!

Dipper: (whispers) In the middle of the challenge? Mabel, just finish the caricature or caticature or whatever already. This pose is starting to hurt...

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