【Chapter Nine: Purely Corrupted】

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【Chapter Nine: Purely Corrupted】

Sion never let go of me in the car, holding me tight as I trembled in his arms. The drug’s effects were strong on my body and the added pain of the punch to my stomach were more than enough to have me acting like a child, and I hated it. I hated how weak it made me in front of Sion, even though I was supposed to be the best. It was so degrading. Sion knew it too, and I don’t know if he did it to intentionally make me feel weaker, but every now and then he’d nuzzle my neck, kiss my forehead or do some sort of intimate move on me that he knew I could push away from. My blanket was wrapped to tightly around me and his arms refused to allow me to put my head a few inches away from his chest. We just had to be close together, and it made me uncomfortable each time I thought of the words he’d said not too long ago. 

I tried to ignore the voice in my head, but instead managed to get myself to listen to the little things Sion would murmur every now and then into my ear. Things like, “So cute,” and, “Sorry.” Sorry for what, I wanted to know, but I knew that he’d never tell me. After a while, I gave up on listening and tried to go to sleep but even then the simple action was too complicated. I wasn’t in the right position, or Sion kept moving around too much or the car would bump up and down, but either way, I couldn’t fall asleep. The action was fruitless. 

Eventually, I passed away at the time by counting through the killings I’d done as a younger Corrupted, just before I’d met Sion. I looked at the way I used to fight, and the way I used to hold myself up. In that time, I’d been overly confident of myself. Sion had showed me not to be that way. Afterwards, I’d been less boastful, more cautious, and more… lithe. I should’ve still be that same way, but things changed, the Ruined Cities and it’s memories brought me down and Sion had pulled off the last move. And so here I was…

The car chose to stop then, and Sion pulled me even closer - if that was actually possible - stepping out with my still bundled up form in the blankets, and walked to yet another car, this one flanked by two men in black ensembles much like that of the Correctors, but they weren’t Correctors… Reapers. I panicked at that, struggling in Sion’s arms and trying to free myself. The only thing that resulted in my struggle was that now I had my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist, my head buried into the curve of his neck. I didn’t want to go back to Andalusite City… I wanted to go home… 

“Shhh,” Leon whispered, caressing my cheek lightly, stepping into the car, in which I refused t look at anyone. In the other car, it had only been me and Sion. Now,  it him, me and two other men who stared at us with cold gazes, unlike the delinquent and doctor’s Reapers stares. The ones that Dante had killed. 

Tears flooded my eyes, and I buried my face deeper into Sion’s shirt and held the blanket closer, feeling nothing but embarrassment and mortification at the fact that I had to cling to my enemy right then to feel safe. And Sion was enjoying it, wrapping his arms around me and kissing my neck softly and lovingly. Damn it, why does he always have to play with my feelings. 

At some point, Sion took my face by the sides and made me stare into his eyes. I knew mine were red and swollen, my face was probably pale and I no doubt looked like a ghost to him. He ran his hands through my hair and pulled my face closer, and before I could react at all, his lips were on mine and once more I could feel a pill slowly slipping from his tongue to mine. I spit it away fast enough this time, sending a withering glare to Sion but a moment later, he’d clamped his hand over my mouth, a pill in his palm, and managed to get it into my mouth. I froze, trying not to breathe or to swallow. Fighting the need for breath. When Sion saw this, he kissed me again, deep and rough, forcing me to involuntarily swallow the pill. After that, it was bye-bye 20x20 vision and hello distorted world. Nothing made sense anymore… nothing at all…

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