【Chapter Seventeen: Eye See You】

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【Chapter Seventeen: Eye See You】

I… I hate Andalusite security. I hate their Reapers, their Conclave, and I sure as hell hate their Archangels. Because, the way I’m seeing things, they all - every single damn one of them - are in someway working with or for Sion. I’d awoken the next day from a tree - I’d had to stop eventually and that was the best over I had - and found newscasts going around, talking animatedly to passerby’s about Sion’s rise to power and how, so quickly a man no one had known a few months back was suddenly as strong in power as the strongest Archangel. 

That pissed me off for a few reasons: 

1) Sion officially had the power to make everyone go after me, including heighten the security levels at the border of Andalusite. 

2) I was weakening from both hunger and the fact that my body hadn’t really been in use for about three days. That really put a damper on any energy I’d had possessed earlier. 

3) As if the former of the two up there wasn’t bad enough, I felt like giving up already. 

It’d become a fact to me by then that, quite frankly, I was fighting a losing battle. Sion was just… to strong. Always had been. Physically, connection wise, he was too damn strong for me. And in that moment I felt like giving into Sion’s tidal wave and let it pull me away from shore and into his arms. That’s how weak my will had become. 

Drowsy and in need of a few energy bars, I climbed down my tree and landed harshly on my feet. The fabric bindings around them had loosened but I couldn’t bother fixing them up in public. I walked forward, chin held high and acting like I didn’t care that I was wearing only a thin garment to protect me against the wind. That I had a purpose instead, hoping to whatever deity it was that lived in the sky, that maybe, maybe I’d somehow get back to Levigation City. 

I strode through most of the streets in a rigid straight line. It was the only way I knew of getting to the border, since I’d begun walking away from the very center of Andalusite, at the spiral building that was the Conclave. Every now and then, I caught myself staring at it. Just staring, unmoving, even holding my breath. It wasn’t ‘til someone almost bumped into me that I tried my best to restrain myself from looking. 

It didn’t work too well, but who cared? I was alone in the world now. I was no longer Darcy Levone the Corrector. I was just… Darcy. Not even Levone counted as much to me, even if it was my last name. Nothing meant much to me at all. When that realization came to me, it was like being hit in the head. And epiphany, people called it. 

The weak will I’d had earlier dissipated as I came to the conclusion of, If I didn’t care, then why not just throw myself into it anyway? Why not? At least I was trying! At least people could see that I was making an actual effort to leave. And if I went down, if I got caught… There’d be no more Darcy. I’d make sure of that. Sion… he’d never get to touch another bit of my skin, not anymore. 

Fueled by the newborn anger and rage at Sion and the need to prove my strength, my strides grew longer, faster. I found it easier to make it past each block, and soon the pain that had begun in the pads of my feet subsided to the swell of pride in myself. I was going to go out to Levigation City, and if not that, I’d go out with a blow. And I’d make it well worth Sion’s time. 


“Darcy, you know I love you, right?” 

I lay against Sion’s chest, breathing in the scent of woods and smoke. It was so delicious, so warm, and Sion himself was like a teddy bear when it came to snuggling. Especially because of the way my body seemed to fit perfectly against his, with his strong, corded arms wrapped around my waist and my face lying nicely on his chest. It all felt so perfect. It was all too much. 

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