【Chapter Nineteen: A Blow To The Head】 ◄THE END►

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【Chapter Nineteen: A Blow To The Head】


After I’d lost Sion’s group, I’d ventured for a while, looking for the hospital that Thomas had said was his. It wasn’t too hard to find, especially when I finally located the large blip looking thing that said, The Advocate Lutheran Hospital, graffiti covering over a good portion of the words. I stopped before it, looked about myself and found a nice little hiding spot where I could easily spy in on what was happening around the hospital. 

It took a full day and a half for Thomas to show up, shivering cold in his little black coat while he clutched his black bag to his chest. I watched him for another day, listening to him as he worked, watching his patients go into the building carrying plenty and wounded hard, only to walk out carrying nothing but bandaged up. So the guy traded for his services. Smart one. 

Even so, I killed all his patients. All of them that left that door became easy prey. I don’t even know what drew me to murdering them all, but I did it and I cared nothing of it. It was only a little more blood than I’d had the other day, and if I’d never met the doctor in the first place, I’d probably have more blood on my hands. 

On the third day, I confronted Thomas, killing a patient before he could make it inside and going in myself. The hospital looked torn down from left to right. Papers were strewn all over the ground, and countless blood stains covered the ground. In some rooms, I could smell the rot of bodies mixed in with the strong scent of bleach. In some, I even saw body parts with just the slightest bit of skin left, or muscle. But in the end, everything was decomposing. And he’d said that the apartment wasn’t sterile? Then what was this place?

“Glad to see you’ve made up your mind about seeing me. I almost thought you’d left on your own.” I spun around and there he was, pacing forward with a bag of - what was that, blood?- something in his hand. “Though I’d appreciated it if you hadn’t killed my last patient of the day. He’s an idiot and doesn’t know how to trade. Anyways, follow me.” Thomas walked off, expecting me to follow. I did, since at that point it was my only choice. 

“Now, before we go on I need to know some basic information. What’s your blood type?”

“Silon 3.” 

“Mhmm, a dose of Type O negative then… Are you healthy? Other than all those little cuts? Any drugs you take?”

“Yes, I’m healthy. I used to take sleeping pills, though they don’t have an effect on my body anymore.”

“Ok… how about medical history? Any sickness I should know about?”

“Other than insomnia? No.”

“Alright…” Thomas paused, stopping in front of a room that actually looked decently cleaned. “Sit right there, will you?” He pointed at a chair absently, the rest of his body focusing on some papers on his desk. “Now, tell me, is there any place in specific that you’ve noticed has been hurting more so than any other part of your body?”

“No,” I said after stretching myself out quick. 

“Then all’s left is your eye. Hold still so I can get rid of these ‘bandages’ you used.” I did, gritting my teeth as he gently pulled the fabric back. I waited for him to say something about how normal it was, or how he’d be able to fix my eye, but silence greeted me. I cracked open my right eye and narrowed it at Thomas, who was still silent, his face gone pale. 

“Hello, is there something wrong with my eye?” 

“Well… to say there’s anything wrong with your eye, I’d say no, because… well… you don’t have an eye. Your left eye is gone…. It’s just empty space and blood. Now, before you freak out, I can give you a prosthetic eye. You won’t be able to see through it, but it will look and move like a regular eye. Just give me time.” 

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