【Chapter Ten: Are You Sad, Lacrymosa?】

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【Chapter Ten: Are You Sad, Lacrymosa?】

Waking up. 

Coming to. 

People never really think about it. Never see the difference between the two. They don’t realize the distinct difference between the two: how “waking up” relates to those sleepy, calm moments where you’re still half asleep in another world and half-awake in your own. They don’t see how peaceful it is, even if your being awakened by an alarm clock. There’s still that fuzziness to the world that makes it so easy to just go back to sleep…

Coming to is nothing like that. There’s a rush of adrenaline, a feeling of being jolted into awareness by thousands of volts that somehow, just somehow, don’t manage to overkill your brain. Coming to is being asleep one moment, being awake the next with the sudden realization of something, whether good or bad it all depends on your situation. My situation was pretty bad. 

I lay in a bed with white sheets that covered over my body, thick and warm to the point of suffocation. I kicked them off, breathing in a sigh of relief before continuing on to examining my surroundings, and trying to connect them to why I felt to high strung and wired with energy. Adrenaline, as I’d explained earlier. The room gives me nothing to work with. 

A black ceiling above me with nothing of a fan or a bulb of light. No, that’s produced from a single lamp right beside me, on a nightstand that’s devoid of any items. The walls that surround me are red, and come out to be four, making the room an equilateral square with a perimeter of sixty feet. Not too big, almost the size of a walking closet but enough to not bring about any claustrophobia I might have. Across from me and the bed are two white drawers, sitting on white carpeting that covers the whole of the room’s flooring and sitting between them is a simple white door, unlocked and waiting for me. 

I sit up, kick my feet around the full sized bed and stand up on wobble legs. An instant soreness spreads in between my legs but ignore it and take to one of the drawers beside the door, seeing as I’m stark naked for no reason. I frown at the sight of men’s clothes and look to the other drawer, which luckily has female clothing. 

Problem is, after a minute or two of looking through them, I realize that everything in there is exactly them same. There’s nothing but the same pair of shorts; bra, underwear. Nothing but the same black hoodie. Nothing but the same white, pattern-less shirt and nothing but the same black socks. The only difference is the sizes, as if the buyer couldn’t quite figure out the size of whoever was designated to wear them and decided that it’d just be safer to buy all of the same thing in different sizes. 

I look at the double D sized bra dubiously for a moment, frowning at my own C-cups. I wasn’t too far away, but still, I was… how old now? The question brought a halt in my mind. A sudden realization that while I could remember miscellaneous things, I couldn’t remember exact dates. When was the last time I’d been awake. What I was doing before all this. What exactly “this” was. After a while, I decided to flat out ignore it all, the questions and the confusion, and changed into the few clothes with the right size for me. 

After that, the only thing left for me to do was confront the world outside of the small, square red room. I turned the knob slow and silent, turning until it no longer allowed me to, and then pushing it with as little force as possible as to avoid any squeaks that could be caused from moving a door too fast. Kind of like putting too much pressure on old stairs. When the doors swung out all the way before me, silent still, I poke my head out into a small hallway with three other doors closed off, two opposite each other and one all the way at the end of the hallway, no doubt the entrance to the house. And my exit. 

Keeping my steps light on the wooden floor below me, I made my way down the hall in silence and stopped at the door closest to me, on the right. The sound of a TV blaring out a new report came to my ears, and when I took a quick peak inside of the room my eyes caught onto a dark human figure. I retreated into the silence of the hallway, my mind racing to find a description for him. 

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