【Chapter Fifteen: Hate, Love, Hurt】

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(((just... don't read this if you don't like rape/sex/suggestive stuff... >.>))

【Chapter Fifteen: Hate, Love, Hurt】

The next day at lessons should’ve been like any other. If anything, I should’ve been a bit more up beat from the joy of Sion’s return and Sion himself should’ve been his usual confident self. None of that was true that day. A veil of darkness hovered over Sion, and when his eyes landed on me, there was that same, weird look in them that I’d seen the night before. 

“Welcome back,” I said, trying so hard to be the perfect student, the girl that still loved Sion. It used to come naturally. I didn’t have to act.  That day, I acted with every fiber in my being, up to the nonchalant steps I’d taken to go up to Sion and wrap my arms around his neck, pulling myself close to him and laying me face carefully against his chest. 

None of it felt natural but I went on, trying not to cringe as his own arms tightened around my waist and he pulled me oh-so closer. He pressed a soft kiss to my neck, bringing an eruption of shivers down my spine, but I did not recoil. “I missed you so much, you know that? It took me a month alone with only the guys to realize how much I’ve depended on you lately.” His lips brushed over my hair and he inhaled deeply while his hands rubbed up and down my arms, warming the skin. 

I closed my eyes, the awkwardness of the moment leaking away. Maybe things weren’t so bad. Sion was only slightly off kilter the day before, but he seems perfectly fine now. He only missed me. That was all it was. Yet I couldn’t help be wary of him as he let go, looking into my wyes, caressing my cheek. I thought that that’d be it. He’d pull away and we’d resume lessons as we always did but, no, I was wrong once again, pulled in by Sion’s arms once more into a deep pressed embrace.

His lips were as soft as they always were despite the few cuts that marred his face but when I let myself be swept away by the kiss, he went a little further, his hands diving low under my shirt and then skimming over my skin, higher, higher…

“Stop it!” I pushed him away non too gently, confused and infuriated. Why did he keep doing that? Keep pushing past my barriers like that? I knew Sion was a guy and guys had their needs but girls also had limits, and I’d set mine. Not even Sion was an exception, no matter how much I thought I loved him. It just did not work that way! “Just stop it, damn it…” I pressed a hand to my forehead, turning away from Sion, shaking my head furiously. Why couldn’t he calm down and try to slow his-

“Why? I love you so much, Pet. Why can’t I show you how much…?” He trailed, slipping his arms around my waist and pulling my back against his chest. “I do love you so much.” A kiss to my neck, fleeting and warm. Then up higher, to my jaw line while his fingers played with the elastic fabric of my shirt. So warm, so addictive… Sion… “Yes?” I blushed, realizing I’d spoken aloud, only to sink into his arms as he massaged my stiff shoulders. It felt so good, to just let go, to sink into oblivion without thinking and let Sion kiss me to oblivion…  

But it was there again, slowly teasing my shirt off my body, lips pulling away to kiss the skin of my stomach, hands sliding over my skin, hitching my shirt higher and higher while his lips roamed lower and lower… “Nnn…nnn-” No, no, no! I wanted to yell it out, to tell him stop, enough was enough, but his touch was so good, so damn good and my body had missed Sion’s touch more than I had. I couldn’t stop him, and I could feel him pulling my pants down the length of my legs, sliding his hands under my thighs and pulling me by the legs so that I was sort of straddling his chest. 

Sion pulled my face down by the hair and kissed me with such force that when he pulled away, I was too dizzy and confused to really react in any way other than slumping forward onto him, clutching his shoulders as I tried to take in deep breaths. But it was so hard, so damn hard with Sion there, touching me, teasing me. I thought this was a lesson, not a-

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