【Chapter Fourteen: Sion, Sion, Sion...】

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【Chapter Fourteen: Sion, Sion, Sion…】

Silence. It felt so weird, so ordinary, to awaken to nothing but silence in a bed so large and lavish I had to wonder if I’d somehow been reincarnated as a queen. Then again, queen’s no longer existed. Staring up at the ceiling above me, I saw black curtains hanging overhead. A canopy. The blankets that weighed down on my body were heavier than anything I’d ever slept in, but they were so warm. I closed my eyes for the moment and imagined myself somewhere else, blankets like these covering over my body. I only knew one person who enjoyed expensive blankets. 

Sitting up was a problem for me. Every part of my body was lead. It didn’t feel like lead, it just was lead. Nothing moved, everything protested, and when I finally managed to lift my head up just the smallest bit, my eyes locked onto the figure sitting across from me, a book in his hands. Even as I looked at him, it felt like the blankets were trying to crush me back down and bury me within the bed. Slowly, I drew back my arms and supported what I could on my elbows, fixing the man with a cold stare. 

I know you… But what’s your name again…?

The man looked up, bright amber eyes alert. He set down his book, the cover obscured from my vision, and leaned over, pressing a hand to my forehead. I could only do as he made me do, falling back weakly into the bed’s welcoming embrace. “Go back to sleep,” he whispered, pulling up the blankets that grew heavier with every second that passed by. I fought. I was barely aware of it but I knew my limbs were working against him, my lips pulling into a frown as I realized there was something bad that would happen if I let him pull me down to oblivion. 

“I have to work right now, but don’t worry. The next time you wake up, I won’t force you to sleep.” 

He leaned forward, pushing a few strands out of my eyes, and rested his forehead over mine so that his eyes were glued to mine. For some reason, I smiled. There was something good about that action, something that brought up a warm, reminiscent glow inside of me. His lips brushed over mine, softly at first, and when I allowed him to kiss me fully, all that warmth drained away at the new alien feeling of something slipping into my mouth. I frowned, and he drew away, pressing a hand against my mouth. 

“Don’t worry about it. Swallow. It’s only to help you fall asleep faster…” even as he spoke, I was fading away. Going down, down, down the rabbit hole…

“Close your eyes.” I glared at Sion, who lay above me with the usual devilish grin that had grown onto me in both a bad and good way. Good because he looked very handsome and the grin made him look better and… bad because it always meant he was going to “torture” me in someway with his/my body. When I say that, I mean kisses, small touches, anything that’ll drive me mad. And satisfies Sion because he just likes to see me mad. 

“And why should I do that?”

“Because I am your teacher and as a teacher I have the right to ask something of you and you must comply-”

“Or, it’s because your just another sadist who thinks he can make me into a masochist, but hear me out when I say no-”

“-or you’re going to get punished.” 

I stop to look at him and raise an eyebrow. “Punish me how, exactly, when everything you do seems to be a punishment!” It was so strange to me, even now, how natural things had become between Sion and I. Gone was that strict relationship of student and teacher. And when that had happened, it was like a barrier had been ripped away. I was no longer at a stalemate with my fighting abilities and could last more than an hour with Sion in a fight, and he only just barely held back. 

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