【Chapter Sixteen: Paradox】

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【Chapter Sixteen: Paradox】

Out. I’m finally out of those terrible memories and free of whatever drug that kept me down there. I’m just barely aware of the tears falling down my face as ghost hands run over my skin. I twist and gasp at every touch, even though I know it’s not real. Standing up becomes a problem when the world tilts to the side, and afterwards I just crawl to the door. It’s so hard to do even that, my limbs heavy from so much sleep, and it becomes evident after a while that Sion had maybe intended this. Known that if the drugs wouldn’t be able to slow me down, the sleep would. 

“Bastard…” I rasp, unable to work even my larynx enough to make the proper sounds for speech. Breathing’s also a problem. Each inhale of air is like taking in a bunch of fire. Makes me wonder how I spent the last few days sleeping in this room. And I knew it was days that I’d spent here. Sion wouldn’t have it any other way. 

When I reach the door, my hands are too weak to make a fist. I can’t push myself off the ground, much less try to grip the door handle. And I’m out of breath from crawling. I am going to kill that bastard for doing this to me, but before that, I need to get to some place to hide in this room while my body recuperates. A closet or something… 

I’m already making my way to some far off door-way when the one behind me opens to the sound of laughter and Sion’s voice saying, “Yes, yes, I’m sure. See you all tomorrow then.” I freeze first. Then I charge myself with whatever reserved energy I have left and go for the door I’d been aiming towards in the first place. It isn’t enough, especially with the fact that Sion had always been faster than me, injured or not. 

He stopped me easily, scooping me up off the ground and cradling me in his arms, a small, sad smile on his lips. “Good morning, Pet. Did you have sweet dreams?” A feral growl sounded from deep within my throat, and I felt the need to go an extra step, maybe scratch Sion just to make him bleed. Sion only laughs, pressing my hand to my side and laying me back down in bed, bombarding me with all his stupid heavy blankets. “Don’t struggle, it’ll only drain your energy quicker. Don’t you remember that lesson?” 

I did, but the fact that it had come from Sion repulsed me now. Everything he’d taught me repulsed me. Watching Sion stand up, and turn to the drawer across from the large bed, my mind began to spin ideas as to how to escape. There weren’t any windows in the room, and the only doors in the room is the one Sion came through and the one I’d been trying to run to. There was also the small tidbit of missing information on where I was and who Sion had been speaking to earlier. 

“So, what have you been dreaming about?” 

I glanced back to Sion, who was walking toward me with a drink in his hand. Where’d that come from…? “Oh you know,” I muttered hoarsely, “Nightmares and such. The kinda stuff you can’t wake up from.” Sion sits next to me in a chair I hadn’t noticed earlier and offers the drink. It was steaming hot and smelled like something familiar but I couldn’t be sure about it. “No thank you.” 

“I insist.” And he does, practically shoving the cup under my nose. I try to scoot away only to realize that he’d snaked his arm around my shoulder and held me in place. “It’ll wake you up. Just a few sips.” I sealed my lips shuts, refusing to take “a few sips” as Sion had asked, so Sion did that one move that he always used on me. He took a good portion of the steaming stuff into his mouth, tipped my face towards his - though I did try to fight - and kissed me deep and hard, forcing the hot stuff down my throat. 

After every drop had been swallowed, he took another mouthful of the disgusting stuff and kissed me. On and on it went, until I was choking on coughing, doubled over in bed as I gasped for air. Anger and hate poured through me, all directed for Sion, but he wasn’t even paying attention to me anymore. At some point during all the coughing and choking, he’d just disappeared. Gone off. 

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