Background Story

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Name: Skylar Davies Donavon
Age: 19
School: Hogwarts
Family: Lyla Donavon
Friends: Everyone apart from Pansy Parkinson, Crabbe, Goyle
Enemies: Draco Malfoy
Appearance: Brown hair, blue eyes, skinny?

Hi! my name's Skylar. most of my friends call me Skye. I attend Hogwarts. Well, my home is Hogwarts. Anyone who fought in the Battle of Hogwarts got offered a place to stay here. Infact, I think everyone got offered a place. Well in my year anyway. We're allowed out of the castle, out of the grounds and into the Muggle World, but most of us stay here. This is where we grew up. Sometimes we go in and out of the Muggle World. It's very different in the Muggle World. I'm a half blood. My mother was a wizard. My father was disgusted when he found out. When I got offered a place in Hogwarts, my father was even more disgusted. He wouldn't stand for me going. That's when me and my mother ran away. We ran from home. She let me go to Hogwarts. She was so happy. I remember the day my Phoenix came into the Great hall one morning, holding a letter in her beak, I got so excited. I didn't get to hear much from my Mother, so I was very happy. I couldn't stop smiling, but when I opened the letter, my heart stopped. She said that she was ill. I was so worried for her. She promised she would write to me every week so that I would know when the time came. She kept to her promise. She told me to stay strong in all of the letters, no matter what happened. One week I didn't receive a letter, but I didn't think anything of it, because she had to be ok. She would fight through it. She couldn't die. The next week I received a letter, but it wasn't from my mum. It was from one of her close friends. Molly. She was Ron Weasley's mum. Molly went to school with my mum and they were close friends. She let us stay in the Burrow when we ran away from home. That's why I had such a close friendship with Ron. The letter wrote:

            I am so sorry. I have been trying everything to keep your mother alive. She was seriously ill. I thought she could fight through it. I'm so sorry dearie. She passed away last night. Your still welcome to come to the Burrow when Summer comes, and Christmas. Your like a Weasley to us.

Love from Molly.

I couldn't hold back the tears. Everyone sitting at the Slytherin table was staring at me. Tears slipped down my face. I couldn't manage to say anything. Blaise Zabini asked me if I was ok. Malfoy and Parkinson were whispering about me and at some times even laughing. I didn't go to class for the whole week. I could barely manage to get to meals. I can barely remember those times now. The next thing I knew, most people knew about my crush on Draco Malfoy. He didn't like me back. Obvious right? Draco Malfoy couldn't love a single person. He had a stone cold heart. The rest of the year went by. Nobody knew the secret about how my mother was dead. Many people thought I was crying because Draco didn't like me back, or because I was weak. The battle of Hogwarts went by and the good side won. That now brings me to the present day.

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