Chapter 4 The holiday

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We got off the train and I headed to a park that I knew of. I looked around. It was just as I remembered. Home. Well. My old home. Before me and my mother ran away. I looked around a smiled, but then my smile quickly faded as I remembered why me and mother ran away. I carried on walking. It felt a bit odd. I looked down at Selina but she just showed a big smile on her face. I returned the smile and knew everything was going to be ok. I walked into a shop that I remembered going to alot as a kid. Me and my mother would walk around, the happiest people on Earth. Don't laugh! I actually loved this shop. It brought me so much peace, especially after one of my dads long shouts at me. It was Daisy's candle shop. I looked around after a while. I picked up a few candles and happily paid for them.

I went back to a grassy park and let Selina run around. She was talking to herself, in her own little game. I watched her and smiled. I let her run around for a while until it started getting late. It was only 5:00pm, but I still should've started finding a place to stay. I knew that there was a hotel near the candle shop, so I got up and walked to the hotel. I must have been walking for a while until I couldn't manage to find it. They must have closed it down. I looked at Selina. "Oh gosh. Where are we supposed to stay now hey?" I asked her. She gave a look of terror. "You do know where we are don't you?" She whispered. I nodded. I looked around. Maybe I could ask someone. I went back into the candle shop, pushing Selina in with me. "Excuse me, I know your about to close and I'm so sorry for the inconvenience, but could you tell me where the nearest hotel is?" I asked the shop owner. She had a large smile on her face. "Yes dearie, it's right down the road. Just take one left ok?" She replied. I thanked her and walked out. I took a left as she said and made it to a hotel. I booked us in and then bought some room service for me and Selina. I put Selina to bed after she had eaten and settled down, and then drifted off myself.

"Mum?" Selina whispered. I propped myself up on my elbows and looked at Selina. "Yes darling?" I asked. "My head hurts a bit." She whispered. I took a long look at her. Her hair had started to get alot more blonde recently. It was brown at the top, but fully blonde at the bottom. I was so confused. I sighed. "Ok I'll take you to the doctor's today alright?" I replied. She nodded her head and lay back down. I checked the time. The doctor's didn't open for another 2 hours at least. I got up and showered. I cleaned my teeth and got ready. An hour and a half until the doctor's opened. I got Selina ready and headed downstairs. They had this amazing restaurant in the hotel. Me and Selina ate and then headed out. I decided against bringing the pram out today. I held Selina on my hip as I walked to the doctor's. We got in and they checked Selina. "It's very weird." The doctor said. "What is?" I questioned. He looked at Selina then looked at me. "She has blonde tips but brown hair." He replied. Right. Why did that matter? "Yeah. I'm not to sure about it but I guess she was born with it." I replied. "Wheres the father?" He asked. Why was everyone so interested in who her father was! I'm here and I'm her mother is that not enough? "I'm not sure." I replied. He thought for a moment. "Has he Done a runner?" He asked. I looked at him. Why did it matter? "No! I don't know who her father is! I just wanted to know what's wrong with my daughter and why she has a head pain, not to be asked a million questions about her father!" I snapped. He looked back at Selina. "It's because I think she got the blonde hair from her father Miss Donavon." He replied. I thought. Well that helped. And not in a sarcastic way. "Your daughter is fine Miss Donavon, she just needs some fresh air." The doctor said. I thanked him and grabbed Selina to walk out. I didn't pay attention to anyone, I walked straight out and back to the park. I let Selina play for a bit whilst I thought it out. Blaise Zabini didn't have blonde hair. Adrian had blonde hair and so did Malfoy. So it was one of them. Malfoy cared alot, but maybe because he knew what it was like. Maybe it was neither of them. I heard someone calling my name. I looked at Selina but it wasn't her. She was looking at the person calling my name. I turned around.

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