Chapter 3 The holiday plan

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{BTW this is back to Skylar's POV}

That night I went back to Hogwarts. I found Hermione and Ron playing some weird game but I left them too it. "Could you guys watch over Selina for a bit. I need a nap." I asked. Hermione loved Selina. She acted like am aunt towards her. I mean she could've been. All of my friends adored Selina. "Obviously!" Hermione smiled. I thanked her and went up to my dorm. I lay down and fell asleep almost instantly.
I woke up around 3 hours later and got Selina from Hermione. "Thanks again Hermione. See you guys later!" I called whilst walking out of the room. I had Selina on my hip when all of a sudden I felt her get down. I sighed. "Selina!" I yelled. She carried on running. "Selina please!" I ran after her. She was running oddly fast for a child. She stopped. I ran and caught hold of her. "What was that all about hey?" I asked tickling her. She giggled. I picked her up and turned around. Once again, I turned around to see Malfoy standing there.

"You should really try and know when to expect her to run off." He said. I just rolled my eyes. I didn't need Malfoy telling me how to treat MY child. "I don't need you to tell me how to treat MY child Malfoy." I said and started walking away, with Selina hanging onto my hand. "Just trying to help." He whispered. I stopped and turned to face him. I really was confused. Malfoy seemed to care. But why? "And why do you care? Why do you want to help Malfoy?" I questioned. He sighed and looked at Selina. "Because I know what it's like to only have one parent. It was like that when I was younger. Of course, I had both of my parents, but it felt like my mother was the only one who loved me. And I know you probably had both of your parents there. Whenever I see someone with only one parent I feel terrible for them. As they grow older, they start to realise that maybe their other parent didn't care for them." He replied. I froze at the word mother. I thought back to my own mother. And father. I thought about how my father hadn't loved me or my mother. Then I thought about how she had passed away whilst I was in school. Now that I think about it, I have no family that actually loved me and are still alive.

I hadn't realised I was crying until Malfoy came up to me and hugged me. I wiped the tears from my eyes. "Selina knows that she is loved, even if she doesn't know her father." I whispered. I started walking away even though I heard Malfoy calling my name. I held onto Selina and made my way outside. I sat against a tree and hugged Selina. I held her into a hug for a while, still crying. I'm so glad she didn't have to meet my father, but it's a shame she couldn't meet my mother. I felt someone come and sit next to me, but I kept my eyes closed. I felt Selina wiggle free and whisper "Scorpius!" In an excited tone. I let her off my lap and sighed.

"I'm sorry."

I looked up to see Malfoy sitting next to me.

"It's fine." I said

"I didn't realise how much a topic could affect someone." He replied

I sighed. I wasn't going to open up to Malfoy!

"Selina!" I called "Come on darling." Selina came rushing over to me. I knew what I had to do. It was the Summer Holidays and alot of people were leaving tomorrow to go visit family. "Where are you going?" Malfoy said as I got up. I smiled at Selina and picked her up. "We're going on Holiday. Far away from here." I said. He looked at me as if I made it up on the spot, which technically I did, but it wasn't a lie. I would go on Holiday with Selina. To get away. This year had been hard. So much work! I started walking away when I heard Malfoy whisper "I wish I knew if it were true". What did he mean? He wish he knew of it was true of I was going on Holiday? Hmm, that's weird. I got to the castle and went to my dorm to start packing things. Selina looked at me. "We aren't leaving are we?" She sniffled. I looked at her and have a little laugh. "Of course not sweetie. We're going on Holiday." I replied. She didn't know the meaning of the word Holiday, but it sounded like a happy word to her so she smiled. I wonder what went on through her head. I laughed at the thought of it. I put Selina into her bed and turned the light off. I wonder if Selina ever thought about why her friends have mothers and fathers. I sighed and got into my bed.

*The next week*

"Selina! Where are you?" I called. I ran upstairs to my bedroom and saw her there sleeping. I lifted her up and put her in her pram. I started walking to the train station. It was a lovely day. The sun was out. I got to the train station and Selina woke up. "Mum, where's dad?" She asked. I froze. What? "What did you just say Selina?" I asked. Did she just ask where her father is? I don't even know her father! "Where's dad?" She repeated. I stared at her. I was speechless. She didn't even know her father, why would she be asking where he is? "I-" I couldn't manage to say anything. I picked her up put of her pram and held her hands. "What do you mean sweetie?" I questioned. She looked into space for a while but then replied. "Well my friend Scorpius from daycare has a dad and he talks about him all the time and I have never seen my dad and someone told me he was playing hide and seek with us but then never got found." I chuckled slightly. "Well who told you that your father was playing hide and seek but never got found?" I asked. " I don't know their name but her mother said that I don't have a dad and nobody likes my mum and I never will because my dad didn't like me-" she started. I cut her off "Who said that!" Selina pointed at a woman. Pansy Parkinson. Stupid Parkinson had told my daughter that she didn't have a dad and never will! "Your telling me, Parkinson told you that you would never have a father because he didn't like you and  she's saying that your dad never liked me?" I started getting frustrated. Selina nodded. I put Selina back into her buggy. I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I turned around. "Malfoy?" I said. He rolled his eyes. " I have a name you know." He replied. I laughed. "And I have a place to be, but I'm here talking to you." I shot back. " Very true. Anyways. Everything ok?" He asked. I couldn't keep telling people I was fine. If they wanted the honest truth, then they can receive.

"No, I'm not actually. Stupid Parkinson told my child that she doesn't have a dad because her dad didn't want her and that her father also didn't like me. So no, I'm not ok. My child is loved probably more than her child ever will be." I angrily explained. Malfoy looked shocked and confused. I sighed. "How would she know if Selina's father likes her or not?" He asked. I thought about it for a moment. "Well I'm taking it he doesn't actually know. I mean I don't know who the god damn father is so how on Earth does he know he has a child?" I replied. He sighed. "Are you sure you can't remember who you've had s*x with?" He asked. I kept on thinking. I was trying to think back to 2,3 years ago. The party? Nothing happened at the party right? I mean, I made out with Zabini, Adrian and Malfoy. Nothing happened though. Well as far as I can remember. I had a little to much to drink that night. I sighed. "Nope. The only thing I can remember from a couple of years ago was that party. Everyone was there. Remember?" I asked. He nodded. "But I only made out with Zabini, you and Adrian. Nothing else happened." I explained. I looked at Selina. She was a pureblood right? I mean I hadn't started going outside the castle until last year which meant someone who went to Hogwarts is obviously the father was a wizard. "Mum where's dadddddd!" Selina whined. I snapped out of my thoughts. I stared at her. Malfoy seemed to be doing the same thing. "I've told you sweetie, I don't know." I said. I looked at Malfoy "Me and Selina should probably get going. We have a few trains to catch." I said. He looked at me. "Your going back to the Muggle World?" He asked. I nodded. "See you later Malfoy." I said and then started walking towards my train. I got on and picked up Selina. "What made you start mentioning about a dad?" I asked her. She looked at me. She thought for a moment before speaking. "As I said, my friend Scorpius was talking about his dad and so I-" she started. I stopped her. "Alright. Well I'm not to sure, but maybe we will find out soon. Maybe." I interrupted. She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep. Maybe Malfoy was right. Maybe Selina thought that her father didn't love her. I had that in the past. As soon as I found out who the father was, I would be giving him what for.

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