Chapter 9 Time to avoid him

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"So who's my dad?" Selina asked as soon as we got into Hogwarts. "I think it's time for you to go to bed." I replied. I saw a few people smiling and waving. I returned these smiles and waves whatever, but as soon as I got to the Slytherin Common Room I stopped smiling. I took Selina to my dorm and let her settle into bed. I stayed with her for a few minutes, staring at her, wondering how on Earth could Malfoy be her father. I left her sleep and went down into the Common Room. Nobody was there so I sat on the couch and grabbed a pillow. I screamed into it and cried. Why on Earth couldn't it of been someone else. I wasn't one of Malfoy's little whores. It angered me so much. Why couldn't it of been Adrian! I mean not that I like Adrian but it's anyone but Malfoy! Blaise was even an option. But no. Of course. It was Malfoy. Stupid Malfoy. My school crush. Draco Malfoy.

"Are you ok Skylar?" I looked up and saw Blaise. Thank goodness it wasn't Malfoy. I couldn't deal with him right now. "Yeah. Sorry. I didn't wake you up did I?" I asked. He chuckled a little. "No. I was actually heading down to get a glass of water. Are you sure your ok?" He said. "Yeah I just. I just found out something and I sort of got the opposite result I was hoping for." I said. I didn't want to tell him too much. And he seemed to understand that. "Ok. You should get to sleep. Anyways, Goodnight Skylar." He said. "Goodnight." I replied. He walked out. It was late. He was right. I should get some sleep. Today had been a long day. Back to work tomorrow. I worked as a healer. My mother was also a healer. She didn't care if I followed in her footsteps or not. She was just happy I was chosen to go to Hogwarts. I burried my face back into the pillow and cried some more. I heard someone come into the Common Room, but I thought it was Blaise so I didn't look up.

"Skylar?" A voice said. That was 100% not Blaise. I looked up. I couldn't see much but then the person came and sat next to me. The fire light up the person's face. It was Malfoy. I started to get up, but he pulled my wrist and made me sit back down again. "What's wrong?" He said. His voice was calm. It was different. It wasn't the tone he used with everyone else. It was soft, if he was caring. "Nothing." I said. I was not telling him that he was the father to my child. No way. Then I remembered the other week, when he said are you sure you can't remember who you've had s*x with. He knows. "Your obviously not ok Skylar.Tell me. What's wrong?" He repeated. "I don't have to tell you anything so just leave me alone." I spat. He tried grabbing my wrist again but I managed to shuffle free. He stood up after me. I carried on walking to my dorm, and slammed it in his face. I sat on my bed and cried a lot more. He knew! Why couldn't he have told me! The memory all started to come back. The party. Everything. I remembered it. It was as of someone had put a curse on me to not know, until I found out. I wasn't going to tell anyone. I couldn't. They'd think I'm one of his whores. I'm not.

I woke up the next morning. I got changed and got Selina ready. "Ready for Daycare?" I said to her. She smiled and nodded. She loved seeing Minerva. McGonagall was like an aunt to all of the children and they all adored her like she adored them. I grabbed my stuff and started to head out. I heard people talking out in the Common Room. I kept hearing the word 'Skylar'. I walked out. I saw Blaise sitting in the Common Room. He looked up at me and smiled. "You ok?" He asked. I simply nodded and walked out. I saw that Malfoy was also in the room. They must've been talking about me. I carried on walking with Selina on my hip. I got to the Daycare. "See you later Selina!" I called. She smiled and waved. I headed back downstairs to go to my healing class. Hermione was taking healing with me. A lot of people were actually. I was about to enter the classroom when I heard someone calling my name behind me. I turned around and saw Malfoy coming towards me. I rolled my eyes. "What do you want Malfoy?" I asked. "What's up with you? Ignoring me now and talking to Blaise?" He said. Was he jealous or something? Like chill. "Jealous much." I muttered. "Honestly what's going on with you?" He said. I sighed. "It's my business, not yours." I replied. He stared at me. "Do you have a crush on Zabini or something?" He said. He looked torn apart as he said this. "No." I replied. He was about to say something but I walked into the classroom. Luckily he wasn't taking healing.

I hoped he wouldn't try and make me talk to him again. As much as I probably need to, I don't want to. I just can't. I've never actually thought of it, but I think it might just be.

That I, like Draco Malfoy.

I mean I can't even talk to him. He was so nice to me in the Summer I just feel like I can't get away from him. It's so hard staying away from him. Maybe I hate him because I like him?!

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