Draco's POV

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I saw Scorpius being hugged by someone. I was sitting on the grass nearby as I let him round around for a while. I got up and walked over to him. Clinging on to him was a young girl, possibly the same age as Scorpius. I heard someone asking the girl to get off. I looked at the person asking the girl to get off and it was Skylar Donavon. She was a Slytherin. She could have been babysitting the child? Or maybe the mother? Skylar Donavon didn't have a boyfriend as far as I was aware.

"I'm so sorry honestly. I just let Selina run around for a bit. I didn't expect her to go crashing into him." She gabbled. I smiled at her. I could tell she was worried, or had something on her mind. "It's fine honestly. Seems they know eachother. I didn't know you had a child Skylar." I replied. She sighed. She looked lost in thought. Maybe she didn't want the child. Maybe she adopted. Maybe it wasn't even her child and she was just looking after it. "Yeah." She answered. "I'm sorry. I didn't realise. That may have came across a bit rude. She is yours isn't she?" I said. I didn't realise that I wasn't thinking of what I was saying. "Yeah. I had her 2 years ago." I nodded. I was still confused. "Who's the father? If you don't mind me asking." I glanced at her child. She blinked and then replied. "I don't know. I genuinely don't know." I looked at her. Was she implying that she has had s*x with multiple people? "Oh god that made me sound like a hoe. I meant that I can't remember having s*x with anyone." She quickly added. I froze. No. No surely not. It couldn't of. No. This was not happening. So she didn't know who the father was, she can't remember having s*x with anyone. She pinched the girls cheek and I couldn't think straight. "I-I have to go" I rushed. I picked up Scorpius and started walking. I heard her murmur 'Bye?' I kept on walking. I found a place behind a tree and sat down. Does that mean she doesn't remember the time at the party. I once hosted a party for all years. 2 or 3 years ago. I was drunk. Everyone was. I remember playing spin the bottle. Mine landed on Donavon. We made out. Then things got a little more... Advanced from there. The next thing I know is in the morning there was a naked Donavon in my bed. She must have not remembered. Surely the child couldn't be mine. Right? After a while I got back up and started walking with Scorpius again. I saw Skylar and her child dancing about. I saw her smiling. I smiled.

I had to get back to Hogwarts.

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