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Kehlani's POV

I'm gonna kill this bitch. She has been out ALL FUCKING DAY. ITS FUCKING TWO IN THE MORNING.

Adeya has been asking for her and she doesn't want to fucking sleep because she only sleeps with fucking y/n.

I swear I'm getting sick and tired of being sick and tired.

She's been doing this for the past week and it's so fucking annoying.

I get she's a producer and whatever but this song better be the best fucking song known to man kind.

Adeya is tired but won't go the fuck to sleep. I'm about to slip her some melatonin...

I heard the door open and so did Adeya. She runs out the room and I go after her because she's going to hurt herself trying to run down those steps.

I helped her downstairs and we saw y/n.

Adeya tapped me to put her down and I did.

She ran over y/n and she picked her up.

"Hey you. Why aren't you and mommy in bed?" She bounced her around and kissed her forehead.

"Hey babe" she walked over to me and tried to kiss me but I pulled away.

"Put her to sleep and when you're done we need to fucking talk"

"Okay?" She walked upstairs and after about 10 minutes she came back downstairs.

"Wassup what do we need to talk about?"


"What do you mean?" She walked over to the fridge and grabbed a water.

"Why do you keep coming home so fucking late. Knowing Adeya doesn't sleep without you sometimes."

"I've been working on this song and we get caught up fucking around"

"Okay and so the fuck what? You have a family to come home to"

"Kehlani I don't say shit when you're in the studio"

"I bring Adeya with me!!"

"Here we fucking go" She put her water bottle down on the table.

"Yes here we fucking go because what the fuck do you do in that studio"

"The same shit we do in the studio what the fuck"

"Oh so have sex?"

"I meant before we got together kehlani damn. You know what I meant"

She sat down at the table and crossed her arms.

"What's your problem?" She asked.

"I'm literally telling you!!! This is why we argue. Because you don't fucking listen. But when it comes to Ariana, Kiana, Summer, Solana, Jhene, and all em you quick to listen to what the fuck they got to say!!!"

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