Chapter 1

661 37 2

- 2012-

Blair's POV

I slowly crept into Grey's house, him following behind me. "Close the door quietly!"

I whisper to him, making sure his mom didn't see us.

"Oh Blair!'

Mrs. Woods exclaimed, running up to Grey and I, and greeting us.

"I didn't know that you were staying over for dinner!"

She screamed excitedly, grabbing my coat and boots. Grey looked me in the eye, and bit his lip. 


He whispered to me. "It's fine!"

I mouthed back, smiling when he got it. "So.. guys.. what do you want for dinner?"

Mrs. Woods asked us, hanging up the coats. I looked at Grey, then shrugged. 

"Pizza will be fine."

Grey shouted, running up the stairs. I followed him. 

"Ok pizza it is."

Mrs.Woods approved.

As I walked into Grey's room, I was greeted with a skull hanging from the ceiling. I looked at Grey confused. "You should really brighten up your room a little."

I confested, looking around. There was a stack of knives laying around on his bed, all his garbage was piled up in the middle of his room, and he had a whole wall covered with pictures. I walked up to the wall, and glared up. He had pictures, of me, obvisouly, pictures of his family, his dad, and picture of his dead body. I jerked my head to face Grey, wincing and confused at the same time. "What the-"

Was all I could say. Grey's eyes immedialty opened wide, and he ran over the to the picture, and stuffed it in his pocket. I glared at him confused and annoyed. "Grey what is-"

He placed his hand on my shoulder. "Hey!"

He barked, making me look up at him. "That's nothing ok? Forget about what you just saw."

He warned me. I nodded, still confused. "Anyways..."

I gulped, still staring at his pockets. "I smell the pizza, I'm pretty sure it's ready."

I mumbled, letting myself walk out of his room. He nodded, gesturing me to go downstairs. I slowly crept out of his room, looking back. He was standing there, staring at the picture. I knew that something was wrong. That picture seemed way to peculiar, but I didn't want to bother him about it. After all, if anything was wrong, I'd be the first person he'd tell. 

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