Chapter 10

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Grey's POV

9:00 p.m Halloween Night

I run into my room, and lock the door behind Blair. She runs in after me, and jumps on my bed excitedly. I grab her face into my hands, and kiss her cheek. "If my mom finds out that I'm not home, I probably won't be able to see you again."

She whispers between breaths. I nod, and smile. "Too bad she can't kill me."

I spit out, biting my tongue after I accidentally said it. She stops kissing me, gets up, and squints. "Why would she want to kill you?"

She asks me, still very confused. I look up at my ceiling, and rub my hands together. "Never mind."

I whisper to her, not making eye contact. She shrugs, and climbs off my bed. "Where are you going?"

I call, fixing my hair that's now all messed up. "I'm going to get a drink, and then maybe leave."

She grumbles to herself, jamming her foot into her heels. I squint, walking up to her. "Blair, why are you so grumpy?"

I ask her, tilting my head to the right. She looks back at me. "Because my mom is going to kill me."

She explains, placing her bunny ears on her head. I think for a second, and nod. "Well she isn't going to kill you if we run away."

I suggest, knowing that she won't listen to me. She jerks her head to face me, and squints. "Grey, I don't want to lie to my mother anymore. Plus, I don't want to die yet. I'm too young!"

She screams, lowering her voice after making contact with my sad eyes. "Look."

She suggests, grabbing her coat off the bed. "I can stay longer If you have an excuse to tell my mom if she finds out."

Blair says, looking at the door. I nod, and smile. "Let's go to the grocery store, buy eggs and toilet paper, and egg your house."

I excitedly suggest, clapping my hands together. She squints at me, showing off her anger. Then she crosses her arms, and licks her lips. "Fine, but this better distract my mom."

She hisses, unlocking the door. I open my mouth to say something, but she's already gone. This better work.

9:30 Halloween Night

I jump in my car, closing the door behind me. Blair jumps in next to me excitedly. I lean in to kiss her, but she turns around. "What?"

I ask her, placing my hand on her cheek. She jerks her head away, and grumbles to herself. "Grey, this was a horrible idea in the first place. I'm gonna get in huge trouble, and if my mom finds out that we egged my house, and covered my mom's garden with silly string, she is going to lose it. Then she will tell your mom, and-"

I shook my head, and shot back at her. "Blair! Don't worry. She won't find out. Ever."

I told her, starting the car. "You don't get it, Grey!"

She screamed, slamming her hand on the door. "We will both get in huge trouble!"

I ignored her this time, and looked back at the house. "Text Gabriel to watch the house because we might be out for a while."

Blair nodded, and quickly got out her phone to text Gabriel, our other best friend. As I started the car, my hands shook and I tried to keep the wheel steady. Horrible memories filled my mind of the day I died. All of a sudden, I kept getting flash backs of the past with my dad. My dad taking off from the house with little me sitting in the back. I remember myself asking my dad questions, and him not really answering them. I dimly remember myself dying, but defiantly remember me going back to life, and starting to live a ghostly life. I also remember our van crushed, and badly damaged. But what I remember the most is my dad's lifeless body. I play the moment again and again, walking up to my father's body, and touching it. At that moment, I knew that he was dead. 


Blair softly asks me, interrupting my thoughts. "Is this day cursed?"

She quietly asks me, looking out the rear view mirror. I squint, and try to meet her gaze. "Why would it be?"

I ask her back, my voice shaking. She shrugs. "Because I was told that I would die today."

She explains, trying not to make eye contact with me. All of a sudden, I jerk the car to the left, and..... "GREYYY!!!!!!!"

Shrieks Blair, her mouth dropping. And that was the last thing I could remember before finding out that my girlfriend, Blair, die. 

Dead and still in loveWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt