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The weekend, finally, had come and I was leaving for school again. Despite my bad reputation for schools I really like it there. I'm really smart and good in class, I just have people problems. "Do you have everything you need, money, extra clothes, your cell phone?" Lily was bugging out like usual about my safety and worrying about everything. She's very annoying when she does that, but I just roll my eyes and say the same thing as always. "This is your third time checking I have everything okay." After that I would leave, only hearing a small okay back.

In my dorm I had settled in and unpacked the little clothes I brought back. All was peaceful, I enjoyed the little peace I got in my dorm. Ione is my dorm mate and it's like living with Kellie again. She's loud and cheerful although extremely blunt and doesn't care. Or at least I thought she didn't care until this day.

She cried running into the room, covering her face. Along with her was her friends Star, a fierce girl who tells people what's what no matter the situation. She seems like the kind of person you would take to a party with you, for support. Star had cam in yelling words almost inaudible. 

"Whats wrong with Ione, she never cries, or at least I have never seen her cry." I asked hanging my clothes in the closet. "These stupid boys that what the problem is!" Star yelled about to hit the wall, when she stopped herself. "They were so mean." I stared at them confused.

"What boys are you talking about?" I asked sitting Star next to Ione. "There were these boys standing in front of the girls doors judging everyone that walked by. They call Ione a 3 and you know how insecure she can be. Her family is always expecting so much from her pointing out her imperfections and what not." Star said rubbing Iones back. "Yeah Ione didn't like the words they said to Ione. They make her cry  and feel bad about herself. Ione doesn't want to go to class today." She said wiping tears from her eyes. I forgot mention that Ione talks in third person... a lot.

"What boys I didn't see any boys outside when I came, granted I did come early." I had picked up my bad putting my books and papers in it. "And Ione you have to go to class, what would your parents think if your grades started dropping and you tell it's because of boys. They'd said you to an all girls school, with uniforms." Ione gasped standing and getting her things.

"You're right Ione can't wear a uniform. How else is Ione supposed to show her individuality?!" she started panicking. "Right now show me those boys." 

"What are you going to do? I know you're scary and stuff but that can't possibly do anything but make them mock you." Star said frowning and rolling her eyes.

"I don't care just show me them." I said. They both agreed and took me to the three idiots pointing to girls and yelling out numbers. Sometimes I wonder why I actually bother with these two. Star a very optimistic yet realistic girl, I assume she's some kind of Asian but I've never bothered to ask. She has short black hair and punk rock sort or vibe. Ionne on the other hand made me think of a Gothic princess who's secretly insecure and soft. Like a black Pegasus.

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