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We were dragged to a room that looked like an interrogation room from a CSI episode. Or maybe criminal minds... whats' the difference. The boys smiled tying us to the chairs. I looked over at Kayla with confusion. "Kayla please tell me they aren't gonna do anything bad." she just looked down and didn't say a word.

"Sorry girly but I'm sure you already knew that wasn't gonna happen." He smirked taking a seat of his own. The other pulled out a file and threw it on the table. Great now I really am in a CSI episode. "This is her isn't it?" he asked the first, who nodded and opened it. "You know Alice we've been keeping tabs on you. You quite extraordinary. I mean I've seen better, but that's only because they've come here."

I rolled my eyes look anywhere but at them. "I'm sorry kid but from my current experience I don't think that would be the best thing."

"Yeah you idiots, do you actually think she would subdue to you idiots?" Kayla said chuckling like that was the most ridiculous thing she's ever heard. That is until she nearly fell over from something and stopped.

"What did you just do to her." I watched struggling to break out of the ties holding me. "Stop hurting her you monsters!!" I yelled kicking around, til I fell over. The boy just laughed and bent down to my level, "Poor poor little naive girl. We aren't the monsters, we're the ones trying to stop the monsters. Even if that means killing anyone, not matter who they are, that comes in our way."

"You're a sadistic little fucker aren't you? You're crazy... and you're wrong. You are the monsters."
I spat at him and tried to manipulate the ties off. He soon noticed and laughed again, his friend stopped torturing Kayla long before.

"You honestly believe you can use your powers to get out of that? You've been sadly mistaken then." And with that last remark I was knock into the next day.

I woke in my dorm room, it was still dark and my dorm mates were asleep. There's no way they could know about the truth of that place. Could they?

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