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I put my diary back and started taking notes answering questions, normal class stuff......yay? I put in my ear phones and started playing K-POP songs, nothing wrong with that right. A while later Ione was poking me pointing to the clock, our signal that class is almost over. The last 10 minutes our teacher always gives out the homework. Looks like quadratic equations, again. It's like she's running out of things or whatever.

Walking to our next class Ione went off with some friends and I was left alone in class, not a single student there. Not even the nerds got here as soon as I did. Ryder came, dare I say it, strolling in with his classic smirk and looked at me. "Hello there vampire, where's the class? Did you eat them?" he sat next to me his smirk only getting bigger.

"What do you want idiot." I glared not looking at him, just glaring in general. I'm sure he knew it was at him though. "What's wrong vampire, not sure how to act when you see fresh flesh and can't do anything about, because you can't live without me."

"Not even close, what are you 12 do you think you're flirting or do you know how bad you are doing and just don't care?" I asked him finally getting a good look at him. I guess he's not that much of a blonde but he sure acts like one. "No I'm just the flirty one, everyone knows it. I've snogged about you know 50 girls or whatever." he rolled his eyes, impressed by his lie.

"Wow congrats you whore. What do you plan to do next get the teacher at the end of the day. Maybe you'll get an A on your next test!" I smiled flipping my hair and looking towards the front of the class as over students started filing in. "Where are our friends, punk rock and the blonde beaut with a sensitive heart?" he asked. "Why does it matter, are you going to make her feel bad again? And don't you have girls to......woo?"

"Does that make you jealous girly." It was a question, he was playing around with me. How annoying. "Listen if I make plans to talk later will you leave me alone?" and with that he stopped talking to me. All throughout class he didn't say a word towards me. At the end of the day I was walking to my dorm house and there he was waiting for me girls watching him from afar admirably.

"Why are you here, did someone actually fall for your, ugh, charm?" I rolled my eyes looking for an over revealing girl with to high heels and enough make up for every girl in Brooklyn. "No I was actually waiting for you darling." he winked and started walking off. I just stared and started going inside until his friends came and dragged me towards him. "You promised we could talk and I never pass up a date with a pretty girl."

"I thought I was a 1.5?" I asked pulling my self from the idiots probably bruising my arms. I put in me ear buds ignoring him and his ridiculous nonsense and whatever else. " HEY ARE YOU LISTENING?!?" He yelled and I took them out looking around. "Are we done now? That was fast!" I turned around looking for how to get back.

"No Alice we're far from done. Listen my name is Ryder Ferguson those two are Quincy and Daniel Addams. And we have something to tell you."

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