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     Friday, June 13, 2014

        Week 3 in this hell house full of idiots. I can't believe I stayed so long, I would have been long gone by now. I just wish I didn't like the feeling of home. I'm planning it tonight, my run as I call it. I still have to pack everything up, but it's going to be hard with the new room mate. She never leaves this room, not even to eat or use the bathroom it's ridiculous. I need to find a way to get them out. Maybe if I give up my meeting with my "soon to be parents" to them they'll check it out. That's all for today my book of secrets.

                                                                                        Write back, Alice McGregger

        I stare at the girl who always seems to n that computer of hers. What's she doing that can't wait? I'm honestly starting to miss Kellie, at least she would leave from time to time. I couldn't take it any longer, so I left. It's getting dark and I have to go to a boring meeting. My meeting room is always the same, it would change from time to time for others, but this the only one I would accept.

        It's blue with a gray carpet floor, there are pictures on the wall with ribbons and awards from other kids. All of mine are locked in my trunk in my room. In the middle of the floor is a wooden table and matching chairs. There sitting on one side was a man with blue eyes and brown hair. Next to him was his, what I presume to be, wife. She was a nice looking woman short blonde hair cut in a bob, and green and hazel eyes. She didn't seem like a blonde bimbo, more like a smart blonde.

        " Hello, you must be Alice. My name is Sarah and this is my husband Jeff." The blonde, Sarah, said putting out her hand. I shake her hand and take a seat across from them. 'This is going to be boring' I thought staring at them with dull eyes. "Aren't you going to tell us your name?" Jeff asked. 'I should tell them, shouldn't I?' I thought it over and decided I would just write it down. There was also a white board with drawings doodled all over. I walked towards it writing my name clearly. "What a pretty name you have, Alice McGregger. How would you feel having McGregger changed to Donahue?" What a stupid question, I wouldn't dream of changing my name. No matter it's past, it's the name blessed upon such a hell-strung girl.

        This meeting wasn't as different from the others. They just want to know who you are and if you'll meet their standards. If you ask me I'd be upset to settle with any of the demons here. I can't quite go back to my room, her silence kind of scares me. She's a mute girl, completely traumatized. She's Camille, a very pretty and  extremely smart girl. She's been traumatized ever since her family and friends were killed in a fire at her birthday party. Sad isn't it, I try not to do anything that could offend her or set her off. It's the quiet ones you have to watch out for, I would know. I wonder why I'm not traumatized or petrified by the killing I did when I was younger. I may never find out, not that I care much.

        Dinners here aren't that bad but the groups of people I'm forced with. As usual I'm stuck sitting with the two gossiping bimbos, Ashley and Daylor. It's like they don't know how to shut up. Daylor sits there on her phone throughout all the meals talking between whoever at school and Ashley, who is right next to her. If you ask me, they're being ridiculous and annoying. With us at this big, happy table are three boys, also idiots. There's Don and Calvin, jocks and class clowns. Then there's this emo, goth guy Keane. He also doesn't talk much. Keane isn't as bad as the others he agrees that they are hell and heavens enemy.

        After dinner everyone just hangs out, accept me. I go to the computer room and search places to go.  Places that are close and easy to get to. If I find somewhere I bookmark it or save it somewhere else.

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