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"I'll introduce you to the beast tamer herself, Star!" Ryder said, Star smiled and bowed. She started singing and a few birds and other wild animals came out, standing and sitting around, watching her. "Congrats, you can be a Disney Princess, do you want a cookie....... or a Tiara?" She rolled her eyes and sent a look at all the animals sending them away.

"I'm not a Disney Princess, if anything, they wish they were me. I have the ability to speak any animal language, talk to the animals and change into them. Yes, you may clap now. Bask in my splendor!" She bowed again and Charlie clapped, soon stopping since no one was joining in.

"You say all of that stuff and all I heard was, I'm Aqua Man but I'm also Snow White!" I said and started singing, acting like her. "Yes I am so imprssed. Can we please get this over with already, Ring Master?"

"Trust me if this doesn't impress you nothing will. I! AM! INVISIBLE!!" He yelled turning, you guessed it, invisible. After a few seconds of hearing him walk around laugh creepily. "Okay I get it where are you now?" I sighed bored with his little game. I felt something goo across my back and heard him whisper, "Are you scared yet?"

About 15 minutes, a black eye and a obviously mad me later we all started walking back to the school. Ione was already asleep, she seemed so bad ass and she's already back to normal. Star sat on her bed and brushed her hair, "You have a week to decide, by then you have to tell us."

"What if I decide no, then what?"

"That would be the wrong answer. They always say yes." She laid down putting her brush next to her bed. "Everyone, they've all said yes at the most by the fifth day." After that she was asleep, and I was left alone with my thoughts and that lingering question.

Hey there... Diary,

So today is one of those looong days. You know those days when it's just been confusing and frustrating. So I found out there are others, but how many that's what I want to know. And what exactly are they doing, they're a society, but for what. I have a week to decide if I'll join or not. Oh boy, have you ever had to decided something so crazy? Probably not, well night diary.

See ya soon,

Alice McGregger

I laid the diary down and turned off my lamp. It felt like hours of me laying there with my eyes closed, before I decided this would be one of those sleepless nights. I got up, putting on some sweat pants and a boots, and went outside. Looking around I noticed no one was out, I mean yeah it's probably like 2:30 in the morning but you'd think they'd have someone patrolling. Nope. No one.

I went to the cafe that, thankfully, had a vending machine and got a snickers, because they're the best. Walking around at night in complete silence at a school is the creepiest yet most satisfying thing I've ever done. Until you know I go to the back of the school and only a few minutes of sitting against the wall I'm greeted by a boy I hoped to only see on the weekends. Honestly, my only escape from him has been ruined.

There standing only but a few feet away, smile and all, was Gavin. I feel like I've entered my favorite book and I refuse to be Cameron Morgan in a Blackthorne boys situation. "What are you doing here, idiot?" I said standing up and rolling my eyes. "Come on princess, you know this is the best thing you've seen all day." He held his arms open smiling widely. "No it isn't, the best thing I've seen is classified."

"Oh you mean those friends of yours? Yeah they're pretty cool, but I suggest not joining them. They're not what they say they are." Gavin shook his head, almost seem serious.

"How would you know... How do you even know about them?!?" I was really confused now. He seemed so naive and unaware of such things. What else could he be hiding?

"I know because I was one of them." He can not be serious. And I'm not going through this craziness again

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