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        I finally left the airport and looked around outside. Not many exciting things here, I don't get why Kellie kept fangirling about wanting to visit here. Traveling is actually pretty stress-full. Oh well, she was stupid and probably never would have been able to handled it anyways. We talked a few nights ago, when I told her the the news she said she was jealous, envy is a sin. Poor her. 

        I spotted a sigh with my name on it, behind it was a woman looking around with a worried yet hopeful smile. Should I fake my happiness or not care? I'm going with the second one. "Excuse me are you looking for a teenage girl from America coming from RougeWood Boarding School for the Parent-less?" I asked bored. "Um...YES!! Are you Alice?" She asked as if it was already noticeable. Who else would be asking such detailed questions and not be the person. "Yea, tha's me. I'm Alice McGregger." 

        "You told me your name was Melanie." He didn't. " So which is it Melanie, or Alice?" Oh he did. "It's Alice but it won't matter to you, since I don't expect to see you. Ever." I said, rather rudely. The lady just stood there confused, still smiling. "Are we gonna go or just stand here?" I asked her. "Oh yes yes we're going. Follow me." Gladly I thought. I can't believe he would actually interrupt my conversation, he took me as a polite-stay-to-myself kind of guy.

        Putting my bags in the trunk and getting in the back seat I pulled out a book and tried reading. "You know if you like you can sit in the front?" She sai kindly.

"No thanks."

"So you excited to be living in an new area?"

"I guess."

"If you want you can choose what school you want to go to."


"Just think about it."


"You have any questions you can ask me or some of the kids on our street."

"Got it."

        "Alright." I think she finally got the memo,  I'm not talking. She tries too hard to make conversation. But I actually interested in the school thing. I should go to a big school then I won't stick out as much. Bored with the book I decided to write in my Journal instead. 

        June 15, 2014

        Yep still writing the same day. How wondrously different, like me, without the wonderful. I wonder if anyone is like me here, quiet, reserved, yet mysterious, in a scary way. I'd love to see if I'm as bad as they thought I was. I'm glad I'M NOT GOING BACK EVER. 

                                             See ya later I guess,

                                                        Alice McGregger

        We came too a fairly sized house near many trees. Excellent a secluded area. The inside was, as well, simple, like the outside. It had a cozy feeling to it, I didn't like it. It's like she was trying too hard to make me feel welcomed, why. "Well, welcome to our home. My name is Lillian, I'll call the other two down so they can greet you too." She said smiling like I was impressed, why didn't she say her name before. Did she want to make some kind of grand entrance when we got "home"? Forget that question, who are the other two? How old are they that she could leave alone, in the woods, door unlocked, and they aren't even paying attention to the fact that the door was opened.

        "CHARLIE, FELIX COME DOWN AND MEET YOUR NEW SISTER!!" She said that like there was an old one. Two young boys came down the stairs. one in looking at a game he was playing, the other watching him, talk about rude. "Charlie, Felix I have someone for you to meet, stop playing your games and say hello." Ms. Lily looked about ready to burst. Just imagine, a well composed lady getting ready to burst out crying, laughing, or screaming because of a couple of third graders. That'll be the day.

        "Hey" one of them said , while the other just muttered a 'whatever' still playing the game. "So which is Charlie and which is Felix?" I asked, I need to know my targets don't I? "Charlie has the glasses and Felix is in the green shirt. Ew, I hate green, who just likes green. "Oh okay well, I'm Alice and I advice not getting in my why, because I won't be nice." warnings are always great ways to makes friends, don't you just taste the sarcasm. "Wow so scary, I think I wet my pants." "Yeah what he said" They said laughing softly and walking away. "Hehe sorry about them, there is one more person I want you to meet okay come with me." she said walking out  back, me following slowly. This is one of these houses, small on the outside, bigger on the inside.

        Out back was a tin house with a little dfog resting inside. Looked like a Jack-Russel Terrior. "This is our dog, Willfred. We call him Will or willys. "That's not a person, you said there was a person you wanted me to meet not an animal." "Well technically he's a person to us." Oh wow technically you're a liar, I know harsh but hey I'm.....different like that.

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