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"What is it? Why are you all suddenly so.... serious? Did you guys do something to-" My voice was cut off by, not one of the boys, but Star. Why is Star here and where's Ione. You rarely ever see one without the other. "Listen Alice, we know." A voice said from behind Ryder. It wasn't the squeaky, happy, go lucky voice I was used to. It was much more......normal? Ione stood behind Ryder. "Whats going on here?" I said once Star let go of my mouth. 

"Why don't you just shut up and let us do the talking for now?" Daniel rolled his eyes, pulling his sleeves up. "Like we were saying, we know Alice. We know everything. We've been watching you for some time. Did you really think you were alone all the time. Hell the only time no one was watching was when you were in the shower."

"What do you mean you've been watching?"  Alice looked around confused and started glaring at everyone. "What have you seen?" she was going to yell but quiet down when she remembered where she was. "What have you seen and who are you, CIA? Are you working for the American Government?" 

"No you idiot, honestly and I used your notes for last weeks test." Ione shook her head sadly. "We're like you, only not."

  "Yes now you're making perfect sense, I don't know why you needed my notes, see how smart you are." I sarcastically bowed and rolled my eyes. "So why did we gather here, is this some kind of engagement party." I stepped away so we all formed a, some what, circle.

"No, well not exactly. I'll admit I have a proposal for you, but not one that comes with a ring and lifelong happiness. Like I said we've been watching you and I was wondering if maybe you would like to join us. There's a whole secret society, if you will. It has plenty of people like you. People with extraordinary gifts." Ryder said opening his arms, either he's trying to make it seem better then it is or he's trying to welcome me into the group. Either way the answer was no.

"Now, before you answer why don't you just see what we can do first, aside from my amazing ability to flirt and model, I can also move in the speed of light and I see things. No I don't see dead people, I mean I can see what will happen before it happens but only a few minutes into the future. It takes time to see really far."  Daniel said sighing, what is he upset about his lie not being grand.

Ione stepped next and smiled, she snapped her fingers and opened her hand, reveling what seemed to be four different types of weather. Windy, rainy, snowy and sunny. She then jumped into the air and formed a cloud beneath her. "You may now call me mother nature!" she smiled and jumped down.

After Ione the short kid of the three boys walked up, he smiled and came closer towards me. Confused I backed away until I hit a hard force behind me, Ione had her arm in the air a rock was behind me, "Just let him do his thing." 

"Don't be nervous, just relax or it'll interfere with the reception. I'm just going to explore your mind a bit, okay?" I glared at him shaking my head, "No way am I letting you into my head!" I almost yelled, pushing him away. "Doesn't matter if you fight, I can enter anyone's mind." He smirked and fell to the ground, my eyes wide open. It appeared I woke up in a White room with multi-colored doors, some covered in pad locks and others slightly cracked open.

"You see this, it's your mind. The ones locked are the ones you're trying to force out of your life, but they never leave, just get a little more locked every time. Lucky for you I can pick locks." I turned around and there was Charlie leaning against a dark gray door with too many locks to count.

"It also seems the darker the door, for you, the more locks they have. Are you trying to hide something, Alice?" He asked leaning off of it. "You see it doesn't matter what you try to hide, I always find it." He smirked and disappeared, reappearing behind me. "The mind is my playground, you could say."

"You're one cocky mother fucker, you know that?"  I mumbled turning around, there he disappeared again and things went dark for a second. I opened my eyes to see I was outside again, and there was everyone standing around." Alright so from what I can see, we've got a circus. There's the up close magician, a manipulator and the speeding fortune teller. What about you two?"

They both smiled and looked at each other shrugging, "What about us, we'd be the ring master and beast tamer, if we're going to be a circus at least."

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