New Friend New Year

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This all started as Antonio planned to do. He invited his friends to have a party at his house for new years eve. He only had close friends and anyone they want to bring with them to the party instead of his usual big parties. It was a bone chilling night, it wasn't any normal night chilled night though, there was a cold that felt like a knife stabbing you with coldness.

Stefanio was walking home from my friend's house that lives close to him. He entered the apartment complex, took the stairs, since the elevator has been broken since two months he started to live their. He entered apartment. It was a cozy, open concept apartment with two bedrooms. As he entered, he went to the kitchen on the left close to the front door. He started preparing chicken and potatoes, put it to cook, and grabbed a cola can from the fridge and walked out of the kitchen towards to the living room, where a three seater sofa and a bulky style sony tv from the 90's are set up across from each other. Beside the couch is a small aquarium tank with goldfish. He decided to watch some tv as he waited for it to cook. Stefanio looked at the clock, 4:30 in the afternoon, he just relaxed after feeling completely frozen like a icyle from the outside cold winter weather. He remebered that he had to text everyone since today was december 31, new years eve, He retrieved my phone from my pocket. He sent a text to all my friends. He texted Jasmine, Antonio, Jessica and William about the plans we were going to make for new years 2013.

Stefanio: Hey guys, I thought for new years we all can go to my place to party for new years, we can meet up at 7:30-8:00, if anyone needs a lift to my place, let me know

Antonio: ok, see ya then Should i bring anything?

Stefanio: I'll supply everything, if you want you can bring something

Jessica: ok, I'll see you at 8:00

williams: Alright, see you tonight then

Jasmine: Yeahhhh!! lets celebrate till we drop tonight

Jessica: Oh, I forgot that i have a friend staying with me this weekend, Her parents are in New York on buisness, I cant leave her alone since my parents arent home because they got invited to goto our neighbours house for new years, so is it okay if she comes with me to the party?

Stefanio: Sure, bring her along, ill see you tonight

He was excited for tonights party,

He decided to take a shower before dinner was ready. In the eastern part of the city, my friend jasmine is at home, thrilled and excited for tonight. Jasmine is a friend ive known for 6 years, a red haired, spunky, goofy type of friend who knows how to party. She went into her bedroom, toward her closest to start doing a fashion show to decide what she would wear for the party tonight. As she looks at a top she had decided to wear for the party, she heard a text sound from her phone. She bolted from the bedroom at one end of her place to the kitchen on the other side, where she was charging her phone. The text message was from Williams, a friend she met a year ago through her good friend Jessica. It started when Jessica and herself made plans december first to go see a comedy movie they have been dying to see. They decided to meet up at a cinema nearby. Before they met up, ealrier in the day, williams reminded Jessica that they were going to hang out today. Unfortunally, she forgot since she made plans to hang with Jasmine to go see a movie. She texted jasmine to see if shes cool if she brings a friend with her. Jasmine was good and they all met up at the cinema. Jasmine got their early and waited inside the cinema. A few minutes later Williams and Jessica got their and walked in. When they all three finally meet up, Jasmine sees a tall, brown-haired, bulky person with a serious, tough looking face. Jasmine stood silent for a moment to anaylse him as a person.

After the movie, they walked out making laughing, being silly from the movie. They decided to hang out for a while by walking to the mall nearby, as they walked in the mall, Jasmine was being goofy, as usual, making everyone laugh and be in a good mood. They went into different stores like HMV, 21 forever and some other stores spending about over three hours there. At the end of the day, William and Jasmine took out their phones and exchanged numbers before parting ways.

Back at williams place, the day before the party, William is having dinner, a medium-rare steak with a steaming mashed potato on the side. As he was about the take a bite of his steak, his cell-phone alerts him of a text message. He goes to check it and sees that Stefanio texted him about plans for new years eve, williams responded and then decided to text Jasmine.

Williams: Hey, Are you going to the party tonight?

Jasmine: Ya, im going to the party

Williams: speaking of parties, did you hear about the murder east of the city,

Jasmine: I heard only that she was 24 years old having a house party and her and two female friends went into the bedroom to calm her down. Apparently she got into a argument with her boyfriend at the party. Both of them were blonde since when they came out, the host didn't come out of the bedroom. Someone checked an hour lAter and seen that she was stabbed.

William: Yeah, I also heard that the murder weapon was a kitchen knife from her house. The murder weapon had no fingerprints though, they apparently interviewed everyone at the party and are asking for help from anyone in the area that may of seen soemthing that day.

Jasmine: i really dont like hearing about this, it freaks me out hearing these type of stories in the news, i only know about it cause i read a bit of it in the news but i didnt get a chance read the whole article.

Williams: I read the article, and even saw it in the news, well anyways lets get off this topic, I know that you get a bit paranoid about this type of stuff. Lets get excited for later today when we celebrate new years eve.

Jasmine: Yeah, tonight we'll have so much fun, celebrating the new year, a new year to live a unproblematic life.

Williams: Well I'll talk to you later, im going to get ready for tonight, see you then.

Jasmine: okay, I'll see you tonight.

Hours later, it was 7:30, Stefanio waited in excitement for the party, He was on my computer reading about sports when i heard a knock at the door, He got up from the computer, go pass the living room to answer the door. He look into the peephole to see whos their, Wiliams and Jasmine stands outside the door, he opened the door to let them in.

In the living room, the table had bowls of junk food, like peanuts, almonds, chips and various candy. Also, there were a few bottles of liquior: vodka, zambooka and two bottles of wine, one bottle of red and one of white. Their was also cola and water if they want a regular drink. He told Jasmine and Williams to take a seat as we wait for everyone. Jasmine, William and himself chatted, relaxed as we waited for everyone else. I poured william and Jasmine a glass of coke when there was a knock on the door. Antonio checked who it was before opening it, it was Antonio, i let him in and escorted him to where everyone else has arrived. It was now 9:00 and Jessica has not yet arrived. I took my phone out to text her when i heard the door knock. Jessica has finally arrived and she brought her friend. They both entered. Jessica explained that their was a accident on the highway and thats why she was so late. Jessica and her friend came to the living room where everyone else was and jessica introduced her friend, Sakura, a tall, blonde. She looked like a wanna-be supermodel with fancy clothes. Everyone thought she probaly just likes to be fashionable when they first saw, but what was waiting in the future was much worse than that. They had lots of fun drinking,chatting, joking and celebrating for hours. It was as if the one day felt like a week has passed. Sakura sits beside jasmine to start a conversation.

Sakura: hi

Jasmine: hi, I really like your shirt

Sakura: thanks I got it from le chateau, it's the very trendy right now.

Jasmine: are you into fashion?

Sakura: actually, yeah I am into fashion. I do it as a hobby. I love the designs and difference of style in fashion.

Jasmine: I love fashion but I create my own style for myself rather than using famous fashion designers styles. I really like being in style, the designs, fabric and colours.

Sakura: Well, I prefer to be in the trend of new styles made from famous designers. That's just how I am. I've always been into fashion for some reason, it just rezanetes with me.

Eventually they realized it was 3:30. Everyone had to go to work or had things to do tomorrow. Everyone decided to call it a night.

and were happy that they meet Jessica's best friend Sakura for the first time.They enjoyed her company with them and hope that she will be hanging with them all soon.

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