Tail Them

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A couple of days later, a black 97' GTR R32 parks outside Jasmine place. Yugi and Yami are sitting there with cups of coffee and a box of donut to help kill time as they are watching Jasmine through the camera lens discreetly. They are bored out of their mines but monitor her gather info. They take pictures of her a few times. An hour pass and jasmine has been in the living room which they can see through the window. They see her for a brief second then she goes out of their sight in her place.

Yugi: so, how the family.

Yami: They are good, how about yours?

Yugi: They are good, my son Joe has been really activate in sports.

Yami: What sports is he playing?

Yugi: He goes to a sport center and plays different sports like dodgeball, soccer, football.

Yami: Good for him to keep busy with sports.

Yugi: what are your kids up too these days?

Yami: My son been wasting his time playing video games often.

Yugi: Well actually, video games can be considered a job in a way.

Yami: Oh really?

Yugi: Yeah, i read people make money making video of different games. I don't know the full detail though. I'm sure your son could do that.

Yami: I still think it's a waste of time. He should go to school and get a job like that.

They end the conversation and go back to to see if Jasmine was in view but Yami sees her coming out to the sidewalk. They scrambled to make themselves not suspicious by acting like they feel asleep. Jasmine passed crossed the street and walked by their car. She looks in the car and sees them sleeping. She turns her head straight and continues to walk down the street. They waited a minute after she pass to stop faking sleeping. They both lifted their heads back to normal sitting position.

Yugi: That was close.

Yami: Yeah, luckily she didn't notice us spying on her. Maybe we should go to Stefanio place and see what he's up too. I think she noticed us being here a while. It would be better to come back another time so we don't get discovered of what we're doing.

Yugi: Alright, it's close by anyways. I think we got enough information from her today anyways.

They drive over to where Stefanio lives and parks across the street but in view of Stefanio's window of his place. After sitting their for two hours, they saw no movement. When they were about to leave and check on someone else, Stefanio walks up to his building and opens the door to go inside. Yami noticed him going in when he reached the door. They look with the camera lens into his a few minutes later they see him the window brief as if he is just passing by. He comes back out and heads into his car to drive somewhere. Yugi sets the gear to drive and follows him at a safe distance. Stefanio looks in the interior rear view mirror and notices nothing unusual so he just continues driving. He stops at the red lights and Yugi stops the usual safe distance. When the light turned green he let him go ahead so he goes and stays a good follow distance from Stefanio.

A few miles later, Stefanio pulls into a parking lot of what seems to be a abandoned warehouse. Yugi and Yami were spying from their car parked across street. They saw through the window that Stefanio got out of his car and walked inside the warehouse. They look toward the window and saw Stefanio was talking to a talk thin face man in a suit inside the building. They stayed for a while to see what he was doing. They leave even though Stefanio was talking to the guy inside about buying the place since Yugi Yami missed the obvious for sale sign plastered in front of the building. After an hour passed, Yugi and Yami decided to head out of the area cause they don't want to be questioned if something goes down in the warehouse. Stefanio came back out after two hours and left the warehouse parking lot, starting to head down the street.

Yugi set the gear to drive and drove down the street following him. Stefanio looked at the interior rear view mirror and noticed it was the same car following him earlier. He figured out that they have been probably following him for a while. Stefanio makes a quick lat minute left turn as the light is yellow and Yugi got caught on the red light.

Yugi: I think he knows that we been following him.

Yami: you were following to closely, i told you to be careful of how close you follow people. You make it too obvious that weve been tailing him for a while.

Yugi: Well, you drive for the next one then if you think its so easy.

Yami: Fine I will and I'll do a better job.

Yami looks at his watch and notices that it was getting late.

It was beginning late as Yugi is driving down Grovesail Dr, a quiet area two blocks away from where they stopped following Stefanio.

Yugi: I think we should continue with this tomorrow.

Yami: Yeah we should. I'm sure our wives are worried about us.

Yugi: Yeah, I'm sure they are. I'll drop you off and pick you up early tomorrow morning to continue.

Yami: alright sounds good. But remember i'm driving, not you

Yugi: Fine you can drive since you think it's so easy.

They pull up to Yami's house, a 60's bungalow house with a long veranda stretching across from one end of the house to the other.

Yami: I'll see you tomorrow, say hi to your wife and kids

Yugi: I will, you do the same. Have a good night.

Yami gets out of the car and heads inside his home. When Yami gets inside, Yugi drives off and heads down the street.

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